MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
The Emotion of Living with MDS: Depression, Anxiety, Uncertainty and Sadness

Anxiety is a common reaction to learning that one has MDS. Anxiety can range from a mild and vague feeling that something may be wrong, to an overwhelming feeling that interferes with a person’s ability to function. All people experience periods of anxiety in their lives Uncertainty about the diagnosis of MDS, what treatments might be right for you, how they will work, and what side affects you may experience may contribute to your anxiety.

Things you can do:

  1. There are several resources to help you understand your diagnosis, treatment options, and strategies to take an active part in your journey. Explore the Building Blocks of Hope® and the MDS Foundation website
  2. Evaluate other parts of your life where you have been successful in mastering control—use those techniques to help you meet the challenges you face while living with MDS.
  3. Try to simplify your life. Eliminate or reduce the activities that are not essential to your physical and emotional well-being.
  4. Ask for help. This can be from family, friends, or professionals. Counseling from a psychologist or social worker can also be useful.
  5. Consider joining a support group—in person, or by computer. Others living with MDS may have good suggestions for how to better cope with this disease. There are many active MDS support groups. You can contact the MDS Foundation for more information.
  6. Explore resources that will help you with relaxation such as meditation, massage, yoga, or listening to relaxing music.
  7. Try to eat well, and maintain some sort of activity. Avoid excess amounts of alcohol or caffeine.
  8. You may find it difficult to remember instructions, or to concentrate when hearing information, so write then down or bring a caregiver or advocate with you to appointments.
  9. Talk to your health care team about other options for managing your anxiety. Ask if an anti-anxiety medication might be helpful.

Additional resources:

MDS Foundation: Managing emotions:

American Cancer Society:  Anxiety, Fear, and Depression

Cancer Care: Anxiety

Oncolink: Managing Practical and Emotional Concerns

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