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Mom in hospital today

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    My Mom had a rough night with breathing, so Dad took her to the clinic today. They measured her blood-oxygen level at 82, so they admitted her to see what is causing it. They’ve checked her lungs recently, but didn’t find anything then, but they’re giving her another scan to look again.

    They seem somewhat perplexed as to why she’s having the breathing problems…she’s been extremely weak and tired lately, so I’m assuming that’s been the problem, or at least part of it.

    I’m sure hoping they figure out what it is…have any of you had any experiences similar to this?



    Greg, hope Dr figures this out soon and she gets to feeling better.

    B. Greene

    Greg, they never did come up with any reason for Ron when he had such problems earlier in the game. Even now with a hg at 9.8 he starts breathing hard when he moves around. His oxygen level has never been that low however. That would certainly account for her weakness. Hope they fix it soon. Will be thinking of you, please keep us posted. Barbra


    Hi Greg, My mom started having breathing problems around June of this year. Her breathing was very labored. Her hemoglobin was quite low, they thought maybe a transfusion would do it. She wasn’t quite so lucky, in her case the Lukemia had moved into her lungs, unfortunatley for mom she never really had any relief, nothing seemed to help.
    I hope your mom is able to get some relief soon — Mom said it felt like she just couldn’t get a good breath of air.

    Take care Greg,


    I meant June of LAST year.



    Hi Greg,

    I’m sorry to hear that your mom is in the hospital. I hope they find out what is causing her breathing problems. I hope she is getting some relief in the hospital. She will be in my prayers. Take care and let us know how she is doing. Pat


    Thanks, everyone.

    They think they’ve determined that she has a blood clot in her lung, and that is causing the problems. They’re giving her blood thinner, and going to scan her legs to see if there are any more clots there. The doctor say this is a pretty serious thing, so we’re all praying and hoping that this thing can clear up soon.

    Thanks again,



    hi greg

    wishing your mom a speedy recovery


    B. Greene

    Sorry to hear that Greg she certainly didn’t need that. I was shocked to see on the hospital bills from the last chemo that they had charged for clot buster drugs. I sure didn’t know anything about it. I wonder if this is something to do with the chemo????? Hope they get it cleared up quickly and she is on the mend with no more set backs.


    Greg, we will hope for the best for her. I think the fight against secondary is one of the hardest and I know the Midi sct is a brand new process so she is probably in “virgin ” territory as far as knowing what to expect.



    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go thru this process. My hope is that your mom comes out the other side and gets better each day

    Marsha(52) DX: March 04 CMML, Bone Marrow Transplant Nov 19/04 +67 days treated at UW Hospital and Clinics, Madison, WI


    Hi Greg,

    My mom developed a blood clot in her leg during her one month stay at the hospital for her first chemotherapy treatment because she was very inactive. I understand you concern but she is in the right place and getting treatment. Thank goodness they found the blood clot and she is being treated. She will be in my prayers and I hope she is feeling better soon. Pat


    Thanks again you all…they’re going to try to work it out with the blood thinning drug — luckily they did catch it at this point — it was already fairly large, but they’re hoping they can now contain it. They did say it will take a long time, though. We’re just worried, too, about her weakness, but hopefully as this improves, her strength will, too.

    Take care,



    Greg! So sorry to hear of your Mom’s complications with a blood clot! Give her our best and tell her to “hang in there”. We are remembering you and your Mom in our thoughts and prayers. Cathy


    Hi Greg, A few years ago my Mom had a blood clot that went to the lungs and the same symptoms as your mom, except she does not have MDS. It was a scary thing but, the doctors started the blood thinners (which could be a concern if low plts) and had her on Oxygen in the hospital, (My mom is now 86) this happened about 4 years ago. She was in the hospital several weeks, but finally they got her stable and she went home with Oxygen. They also gave her breathing exercises

    So there is light and I hope that the MDS does not complicate things, they got the clot dissolved somehow and now they keep a close watch on her due to her age and she is still on the blood thinners.

    My Mother is stubborn and I doubt she really does or did the breathing exercises like she should have to strenthen the lungs after. I hope your Mom is not so stubborn.

    Keep us posted will be thinking of you.

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