MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
MDS is a blood cancer
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5.5 months post transplant

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board 5.5 months post transplant


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    Joseph Agustin

    Just wanted to update everyone. Transplant day was feb 5. Dad was allowed to come home father day and just needs to visit Richmond (vcu cancer center) on Thursday’s for labs. As of his last appointment, wbc was on its own at 6.2 and hemoglobin on its own at 10.6. He’s been doing much better and has battled some infections along the way. Were not out of the woods yet but the hike has gotten easier. He started with mds converted to aml and then myelofibrosis. He was treated with a half match and at the time there wasn’t much info if any on half matches for myelofibrosis and he has been surprising the doctors on each visit.


    Dear Joseph, Thank you for sharing your update on your father’s health with us. Our prayers are with your father and your family during this difficult time. Hopefully another treatment and eventually a cure will result from our efforts. Most sincerely, The MDS Foundation

    Amy Clark

    That is wonderful news! I am sure I speak for many when I say that I have been wondering how all of you were faring. So happy that he is trending in an upward direction and praying for more good days ahead.
    God bless you, Amy Clark

    Joseph Agustin

    Thank you very much. While I am
    No trained expert, I had a wonderful person from this site help me through a lot of it. I cannot go forward without offering my help to others. Dad has leukemia and myelofibrosis and the reason his transplant was so very risky was bc half matches are t done for mf. The chemo prior to and after transplant was the key. If anyone has any questions let me know.


    Dale Frank


    Great news for your dad. Fingers crossed here. How old is your dad? I’m 71 with low WBC, RBC and Platelets and considering bone marrow transplant, but scared of the ordeal. Thx.


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