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About George

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    Hi All, I am back home again for a few days. George was doing well the ten days after the cemo was finished.The BMB showed over 5% blast but less than 10. They not sure. That part I don’t understand.I thought they can always know the exact number of the blast. His wbc started to come back,Tuesday it was already 2.3, but not enough neutrofils (probaly wrong spelling), so they still have to give him all kinds of antibioticum. Unfortunatelly yesterday, just before I left ,he started to have a pain at the right side of his chest. He got a scat scan and they said that hehas to have an other test today, with a tube down to his lung. It was down, and now he has breezing difficulties.I am going out of my mind , not to know what happening, and there is no way I can go back before Sunday. He has


    I don’t know, how I did this, to post before I finished. I am just a bunch of nerves,must pushed something wrong. So , he has to have an other BMB Tuesday, and he may need more treatment. I am thinking of you all Kate

    B. Greene

    I feel for you. It seems many of us are going through such hard times right now. It is such a good sign though that his counts are coming up. That will let him fight off the infections etc. Once they start they seem to come up quickly. What kind of chemo did he have. Any of it is hard but gosh it was worth it for us.

    We are going to look forward to hearing good news on your next post. I, too would be tearing out my hair if I was one place and Ron another and not know what is going on. Hope this bump in the road in a little one and you are both back home soon and happy.


    Kathy G

    I was thinking about you tonight – sorry it seems like it’s been a tough week. Hopefully his numbers will come up soon.
    Hang in there I’m sure it’s tough to be away from George.
    Keep us posted.


    Hi Kate,

    I hope this is just a small issue that they can take care of quickly.

    I’ll be thinking of you and George and wishing for the best.



    Kate, Been thinking of you and George so much, glad to hear from you and I hope George is doing better. You have him at a Good hospital with experienced MDS doctors.
    I continue to pray for you both.


    KATE!!! Try to calm down . Of course I can understand what you are going through. I mean not knowing is the worse thing people have to cope with. But try not to lose hope that everything will be OK . It’s already a good thing that his blasts are fewer(right)and his counts are coming up . So keep thinking positively. Things are going the right way although there are some obstacles . But I ‘m sure you will be able to get over them . Hope to hear good things . will be thinking of you two. Alexa


    Hi All, An answer for your prayers and thoughts, George is doing better, his neutrophils count is 520.( I need some expert opinion here). The doctor said today, that she likes his numbers, but his hmg and his plt still low, he still need tx both. Nothing wrong with his lung, the infection he had before get a little better. Barbara , George cemo was the following.Cytarabine and Daunorubicin.One of them he was getting 24/7, and the other through 3 days, once a day.I hope nobody think that I don’t care about everybody else, but right now I just don’t even have the time to read the posts. I am so greatfull, that you all care about us, and I promise ,when we comw back, you will “hear” a lot of me. Best wishes for you All Kate


    That’s great Kate! — happy to hear that George is feeling better. I know this disease can consume you.
    When those lows come you can’t help but worry.

    Hope George comes home soon and life can get back to normal for you.

    Take care,


    Great News Kate, Stay well and we know you are with us in thought but right now you have to think about you and George, so glad to hear he is doing better.


    smile Yea!!! Thanks for sharing the great news!
    So glad to hear that George is doing better!
    Thinking of you both, Jody


    Kate, it’s great to hear George is doing better — here’s wishing for continued good news.

    Take care,



    So glad to hear about George, hope he continues to get better so he can come home soon. My prayers continue to be with you.


    That is great . see!!! I told you not to lose hope . wink Still praying for you


    Hi All, Thank you for the encouraging worlds,. We have a little bump again, George has breething difficulties. He will have a chest scan again . He told me , not to come Monday, because he will have an other BMB Monday and if the result is good, than we can take him home next week.So I have to wait until they let us know about the result.It will be difficult to wait for that testresult.Thank you all for your thoughts and praters. Kate

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