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Advice please 80 year old MDS Trenton NJ

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Advice please 80 year old MDS Trenton NJ

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    I am new to this form and am so glad to have found it. Maybe you can help with my questions?

    My Mom is 80 years old and has been battling MDS for the past three years. She is transfusion dependent primarily for red blood cells. She tried Vidaza for several months, 5x/week, with 4-6 weeks between treatments, but the side effects of severe diarrhea and the severe constipation coupled with painful swelling of abdominal organs made her stop the Vidazatreatments about two months ago. Now she is getting transfusions every three weeks (it was five weeks), and has had a marked increase in tiredness. Also she is having heart problems, all of a sudden it seems.

    Se is seeing Drs Lugar and Hexner at Univ of Pa about every 3-6 months and is being treated locally by a hematologist. But the two doctor centers don’t seem to talk very much if at all, so I am a little concerned. My Mom is a little stubborn though and she does not want to call the U PA doctors to get them involved right now…

    My Questions are:
    (1) Is there a hematologist that anyone can recommend in the greater Trenton NJ area who has a lot of experience with MDS patients?
    (2) Is there a heart symptom that is commonly associated with MDS? If so, who should she see, a hematologist, cardiologist, or MDS Expert like U Pa?
    (3) Maybe she should go back on Vidaza? Despite the painful side effects?


    You are not far from UMass medical center so
    would suggest a consultation with Dr. Raza.
    Chk the website at:
    My prayers for your Mom.


    Oops! the correct web site for the UMass MDS
    center is:


    According to
    Viazda may cause fast heartbeat, irregular heartbeat and heart murmur. Iron overload from blood transfusions can also cause heart problems.

    And, of course it may not be related to any of the above.



    Hi Bill,
    Have any of the docs considered Procrit or Aranesp to boost her red counts?
    Low RBC/HGB may have an impact on the heart. Low oxygen levels make it work harder. Particularly in one 80 yrs old.
    How far is Johns Hopkins. They have a number of docs experienced with treating MDS

    al’s wife


    My husband was treated by Dr. Luger for about 6 months until his MDS turned to AML. She is one of the top MDS specialists in the country. Our local hemo, Dr. Michael Mann in Langhorne, PA, was in constant contact w/HUP. All tests results were automatically sent to Philly.


    How far are you from NYC? Drs. Feldman and Roboz are the best. They are located at New York Presbyterian–a center of excellence.
    Good luck

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