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Alcohol and mds

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Alcohol and mds

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    Carolyn Allen

    Does mds alter the rate you process alcohol? My partner has been diagnosed. Last night he dhad 8 cans of beer over 9 hours but read 1.8 11 hours later.does anyone know? He vomited during the night and does not remember that. He has always had a beer regularly

    Jerry Allen

    That doesn’t sound like a regular beer. Is the 1.8 you refer to his ETOH (alcohol) level? If so, he’s just drunk. Kinda sounds like what you’re dealing with.

    Carolyn Allen

    I just wondered if mds alters the livers ability to handle alcohol. it was regular beer.


    MDS changes everything. One’s life is in the blood. I am sorry to hear your partner has been diagnosed. I hope they learn to adjust their life with the diagnosis. It is also difficult to be the observer of someone with the diagnosis. My prayers go out to you and your partner.

    Carolyn Allen

    Thank you justaO. It was a bombshell when the DR told him he had within 5 years life expectancy. I wish he hadnt said this to him. He is 77.and is a much valued drummer in a band. However apart from a nasty infection at Christmas (needing 11 i.v. antibiotic infusions) he is feeling well.
    Thank you for your kindness. He will stay on his shandies!

    Ian Palangio

    I’m an MDS patient, and know that if I drink alchohol that my heart rate goes up significantly – I’m not sure why. Just my body struggling to process the alcohol in some way. So I don’t drink much anymore – but do like to enjoy a glass of wine or a beer maybe once a week now.

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