MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
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    I just read a post that intimated that a patient with MDS shouldn’t drink alcohol? Is that any amount? and why? My husband drinks a beer or two each evening after work, but his doctor never said anything regarding alcohol. We don’t see the doctor and my husband is receiving no treatment, but this is the first I’ve heard of this restriction.


    I asked every step of the way with every treatment and alcohol was never restreicted. At times they even encouraged a little in “moderation” to relieve stress and help appetite and digestion.


    I was told that red wine might be beneficial in moderation, but you have to remember what medications you are on and if you can take alcohol with them.

    I avoid beer because of frequent antibiotics. I don’t need the extra yeast that is in them. I get yeast infections easily so I also avoid cinammon rolls, syrup and anything else with sugar when I am on an antibiotic.

    I think it depends on how much the doctor drinks himself whether he thinks it is a good idea. Remember you will get drunk on less, because you have less good blood to mix with the alcohol. It is easier to get a higher blood alcohol level.


    I asked my oncologist about drinking and he said that the function of bone marrow is to create blood cells and alchohol inhibits the function of bone marrow.

    He also said that drinking in moderation should not be a problem.


    I have had trouble getting any of 3 doctors to define the alcohol issue. I would say: 1) binge drinking is bad, drink very little 2) red wine is good for HDL and thus cardiovascular health 3) I stop at 1 beer 4)alcohol goes into the blood stream quickly but also into the bone marrow. PS I also stop at 1 small glass of red.
    Deep down, I sense that my doctors would prefer very little or no alcohol. Of course they also decline to comment on diet and naturepathic remedies or amelioratives, based on the lack of scientific evidence.
    Good luck and learn to enjoy moderation.


    Alcohol brings your platelet counts down. MDS patients should not drink alcohol on daily basis.

    We tried to tell the doctor about my father drinking everyday. The doctor told my mother that if you had this (MDS) you would drink also.

    Then after my father ended up with Cirrhosis of the Liver. That same doctor said people with MDS should not drink Alcohol. He died because of the Cirrhosis. I am very angry about my fathers death.

    This doctor was from a Center of Excellence.


    Also, once they found out he had Cirrhosis of the Liver they could not treat the Leukemia. With the Leukemia they could not treat the Cirrhosis. He could not have a liver transplant and he could not have Chemo.

    It was very sad because after he found out he had the Cirrhosis he never drank another drop of Alcohol.

    He told me before he died that if he knew that the alcohol was going to do this to him he would have never drank a drop in his life. He wanted to live. And the pain that he was in before he died was too much for anyone to watch.

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