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Altitude effects on MDS quality of life.

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Altitude effects on MDS quality of life.

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  • #67747
    Arthur Franks

    I am confused on the benefits of living at sea level. I have attempted twice to test these professed benefits. While at sea level there’s no doubt you feel better. However upon returning to 4500’
    Elevation, the burn rate of Hemoglobin was unprecedented. My transfusion period was cut in half.
    I would appreciate any opinions.

    Robert Sepe

    You’re trying to kill yourself. Hypoxia is what happens at altitude. With fewer normal RBCs, because a transfusion doesn’t raise your Hg to 16, where it should be you suffer from hypoxia .. and the RBCs are working too hard to deliver O2 to your cells and scrub the by products of metabolism.

    With MDS you cannot live at 4500′. Your heart will be over taxed and you’ll have an incident. Most likely anarterial fribrulation incident.

    This is why it the FAA sez you cannot renew your pilot license unless your Hg is 9.0 or greater. Why? Because once airborn at altitude, the O2 molecules are further apart, the air is not a s dense.. and you’ll pass out and crash.

    Also, commercial airplanes are pressurized to 7500′-8000.’ An MDS passenger will suffer hypoxia and pass out or be unable to depart the plane (cross countryflight) without assistance.

    This happened to me.. that’s how I learned I had MDS.

    My Hg is 12.4 and has been for 10 days.. It’s taken me a year to raise it from the 8s to 12.4 without medication. Why? Because I do not accept transfusions (not for religious reasoins) and figured out my own way.


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