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Any hope for Mom?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Any hope for Mom?

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    Hello friends. I have posted messages here recently about my Mom, Joanie who has MDS. Her Onc pulled me out of my Moms hospital room this morning and told me that she now has leukemia and he is sending her to the University of Michigan for treatment options. I asked him if she can survive this and he said, “probably not”. Can anyone give me a glimmer of hope?

    She is so tired. She is in the hospital now with what they think is some kind of infection. They may not have a bed for her for 1 to 2 weeks. I hope she can hang in there for that long.

    Thanks for your replies and prayers. Because my son, Ryan had MDS and then AML, I have to believe she can beat this too, but, she is very weak and very fragile medically.



    Hi Linda.

    We have been told a few times over the past 2 years that my Dad was going to die during that particular hospital visit. Each time he proved the Doctors wrong and wound up going home.

    One time we were told to stay by his side over night in the Intensive Care Unit because the Doctor did not expect Dad to live through the night. By the next afternoon Dad was moved into a room on the Medical floor and was released a few days later.

    Each day is difficult for him now as he is getting weaker and sicker but he seems determined to keep fighting.

    Where there is life..there is hope.

    I will be praying for your Mom.


    Russ P.

    I was told in January of this year that I had AML and there was nothing more the hemo/onc could do for me. I went to the Univ. of Chicago and after examination of my history they started me on a clinical trial of vidaza+PXD-101. I seem to be fairly stable and don’t feel too bad except for being easily fatigued.
    Your mom is young and I pray that they can get her strength built up so some treatment might be helpful.
    Prayer is powerful and I have many praying for me and so I extend my prayers for your mom, Caroline’s dad and all those who have this terrible disease.


    your mom is the same age as my wife. when she was dx 19 months ago, a hematologist told her that she had 6 months or so to live. she kept fighting and is loaded with hope that she can go through a stem cell transplant and cure herself. we got away from this hematologist and found one with more hope & optimism. I suggest you do the same. If you don’t find one in Ann Arbor, Minnesota has the Mayo Clinic and Univ. Minn. going from mds to aml means blast level has gotten above 20%. there are several new drugs now available that can reduce blasts below 5%. Stay The Fight!!!


    I am blessed to have this site and all of you wonderful people. Thank you for the hope. I feel a lot better. I have the information to talk to my Mom about this with confidence and give her hope.

    Thank you.



    Oh Linda…absolutely there is hope. Vidaza, dacogen, clinical trials-have her go for it!!!Do you know her blast count? Have her in prayer-Deb



    there is ALWAYS hope!!! never give up hope. doctors may have the educational background but it is up to God himself when he calls your mother home. dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise!! take each day one day at a time. we are all in this fight together.


    Dear Linda,

    Keep the faith and always hope that tomorrow things will be just a little bit better. When my father understood that his doctors (the team) had given up on him, he did not nor did we EVER give up on him. There are many different treatments that may be effective for your mom. The best advice for all of us is keep yourself informed.




    My dad was also just diagnosed w/ AML. He just finished the chemo and we are all hoping that he will make it through this. I am a strong believer of the slogan “One day at a time”. I can drive myself crazy trying to predict what will happen tomorrow. All I know is that I flew home to see my dad in the hospital and he looked and sounded GREAT! The only difference was that he was hooked up to the chemo. I have no idea what today and tomorrow will bring so I just keep praying and keep my spirits up for him. Hugs to you and your family!!!!


    My mom completed 6 rounds of Vidaza and was so fatigued that she didn’t want to do anything. She even talked about giving up. Then she fell and broke her pelvis and elbow. Now she is determined to get back home, drive again. Even with her blood count dropping again and knowing the Vidaza isn’t working, she asked me to save a piece of some plant she has so she can try to start it next year.
    So there is always hope. And yes, One day at a Time.

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