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Aranesp to Reblozyl

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Aranesp to Reblozyl

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  • #67076
    Christine Knutte

    I have been on Aranesp for almost two years with hemoglobin trending down. Had a bag of blood last week when I hit 7.8 and had shortness of breath. Next drug is Reblozyl. I know nausea is a side effect which I would not like. What was your experience?

    Kenneth Haag

    Hello Christine.
    Concerning Reblozyl: Please note that I can only report my own experiences with this drug. After my second dose, hemoglobin levels went up and quality of life went down. Among the many side effects listed for Reblozyl, “fatigue” doesn’t come close to describing a condition that, for me, feels more like “zombification”. I feel completely drained of energy, sucked down into a stupor that isn’t relieved by a nap or even a good night’s sleep. My legs and feet are so painful that I can only shuffle along with a cane. I frequently stumble when my legs suddenly buckle, so that I’ve become afraid of falling.
    Before starting Reblozyl I was taking Reticrit, but this didn’t improve my HGB levels, so I needed transfusions about every three weeks. But during most of those three weeks I was walking a mile or so in a local park, going to the grocery store and running other errands, feeding the birds, playing music and enjoying my 81st year in the world. Now I sit in a recliner chair and sleep most of the time. With transfusions alone, I at least knew I would have those good days between times. I don’t know how long Reblozyl stays in the system, but I don’t plan to take another drop of it. If you read through the past two years of reports from other members here, you’ll find a good many “cautionary tales” like my own. Wishing you all the best and then some.

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