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Blast Question

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    Sorry I haven’t been around much. Too many stressful things to deal with!

    Hans had a blood check this morning. He is recovering from the first round of consolidation chemo, and his WBC is now 1.0 & neutrophils are at 0.6. However, there was a blast reading of 0.1. The nurse said not to go overboard at the sight of that reading, they will check it again on Thursday. My question is, is that necessarily a bad sign? The instant Hans saw that he immediately said, “That’s the beginning of the end.” He is now paralyzed with fear and grief.

    Any words of wisdom? It was my understanding that anything below a reading of 5 in the marrow is considered a remission. This was a blood reading. Does that make a huge difference?



    Hi Esme,

    Do you know if the blast count was from the analyzer or was it from the differential (stained slide)? I think if a cbc shows anything unusual it is usually checked with the differential. This is usually done the same day.

    Hugs to you and Hans,



    Hi Jody,

    I think the blast count was from a stained slide, since we get that count later on.

    Hans has a call into the doctor who is overseeing his treatment. This doctor is very good at explaining things, he is very honest yet does not have that punch you in the stomach delivery. I hope he gets back to Hans before we go back in on Thursday, or it’s going to be a long week.

    I hope your mum is doing well.



    Esme and Hans,

    Crossing my fingers and praying for good news!!!
    Hope you don’t have to wait until Thursday.

    Take care,

    love, Jody

    ps. Mom is having her bmb tomorrow. Her last one was last October…we’re very nervous but trying to think positive.


    Jody, I’m praying for you guys, too, today. I hope the biopsy is not too painful for your mum, and that the results are something to celebrate!

    many hugs,


    Hi, I just wanted to add that Hans has an appt with Dr. Schuh next Wednesday, the 12th, for a consult and BMB. Also, Dr. Schuh called Hans himself this morning and said not to be too concerned, as he’s studied all his results, and says his marrow is churning out new cells, which can be mistaken for blast cells at this stage. He thinks next week is the perfect time to do another BMB. I had reminded Hans yesterday that the nurse practitioner at the transfusion clinic had told us the same thing about blast counts showing up, back in June, but it was great to have the doc call him personally and tell him.
    We were so relieved we both started crying!

    What a roller coaster.

    many hugs,

    Sandy L


    That was good news. Keep us informed. It is so nice to have a doctor who cares enought to call you rather than pass the information along.


    I just wanted to post an update. Hans & I spent another one of those VERY frustrating days at PMH today. All he needed was one bag of platelets, but we had to wait 4 hours for them. Add in driving and the time for the infusion, and we were out for a good 9 hrs.

    I was talking with a client of mine who had leukemia and a transplant several years ago. She said she got so obsessed with “the numbers” that she finally gave up looking at them, and didn’t want to know what they were — just to be told what she needed in terms of transfusions, etc. I told Hans about this yesterday, and he thought that sounded like a good idea. This morning as we set out for PMH, he told me he decided he didn’t want to know the blast count anymore. Usually they give us the blood test results within an hour, without the blast count. The blast count is available later in the day. Well, today, they took so long to give us the result, by the time they gave us the printout, the blast count was there. ARGGHH! But, the good news is, it went down from .10 to .02. AND his WBC is now
    2.0, with neutrophils at .6, so he can go off the low microbial diet for now. We get a nice break due to Canadian Thanksgiving next Monday. We don’t have to go back until next Wednesday, when we’ll see the doctor and Hans will have his next BMB. Yay!


    Sandy L


    I know exactly what you are talking about. All we do nowadays is wait. Mike is now being transfused two to three times a week. Platelets on Tues, Thurs and Sat. and red blood on Thurs. We did have a little good news today. The HMG held at 8.4, but since he has to start the Vidaza again next week they want to try to boost the RBC and HMG a little.

    Hope Wed goes well.


    Esme, I have been thinking about you and Hans a lot recently. I was glad to see your post. I’m so sorry that things have been so challenging & frustrating. I hope that things continue to brighten for you both and there’s good news from the doc. next week!!! You’re in my prayers.

    Sending you positive thoughts, hugs & love,



    Sandy, I haven’t posted to the forum a lot but I was just reading again about Mike. I started my Vidaza in Sept. also. My platelets and red cells are way way low (platelets 3000). I was told by the doc that I will have this problem for awhile until the Vidaza start working, if it’s going to. I woke up this morning with Petechaie all over my neck, arms, etc. and couple of blood pockets in my mouth. I called the doc at home and my husband took me in for blood draws and now we’re leaving because the blood bank called and said my platelets and red cells are in. UGH! Does Mike have a portocath in. I’m thinking of doing it since I’m running out of veins to get. I have to get platelets up of course before they’ll put it in. Good luck to Mike. Diner


    Ensnee, I’ve only been on the forum since Sept.
    I try to keep you all in my prayers. I didn’t know there were so many people out there with similar problems. I sure hope Hans does well. I know what you mean about waiting around just to get some platelets. My husband took me to the hospital for 1 bag of them. They said to be there at noon and I didn’t get them until 10pm that night. Normally I go to the Infusion Unit and they take care of me right away, but their not open on weekends.
    We are leaving now for more platelets and red cells. I am normally an up person and very happy but this can sure put a damper on my spirits sometimes. Take care of Hans.


    Sandy L

    Hi Diner,

    Mike does not have a port. He is tired of getting stuck but is stil trying to hold out. Sat is yelled at the nurse when she said that she would have to find another spot since the one in the hand ( which they left there on Thurs) was not longer good. He was outraged that he suffered with it for two nights and then they could not use it. He calmed down after a while and agreed to find another spot. The first time tthe vein rolled and he say stars, but luckily they got a nother one on the second try. After getting the 5 units of platelets they let us go home. He is scheduled for more (5 units) on Tues and maybe some red blood as well. His platelets are low about 7000. Hope you are doing well, and that you did not have to wait too long.


    Diner, Sandy and Kathryn, thanks so much for your prayers & thoughts. It seems we are all doing WAY too much waiting these days. Sandy, I hope Mike does well with his next round of Vidaza. Diner, I’m so sorry to hear that after two battles with lymphoma you now have to deal with a blood disorder. You are a master of understatement when you say this is a damper! Kathryn, it’s wonderful that you are still part of our club. I think about you all, and with each new person who joins here, and ALL the people Hans & I have met at the hospital, I add more to my hopes for successful treatment for everyone. Seeing so many people at the transfusion clinic at Princess Margaret Hospital — it’s just an endless procession. It boggles my mind. And that’s not even considering all the other types of cancer people are treated for there. My own dad was treated there for stomach cancer a few years ago. Little did I know when I was visiting him there after his surgery that I’d be spending SO much time there with my own husband.

    Hans may not be on this board himself, but I do tell him about everyone, and I know that he hopes for your recovery as much as his own.

    many hugs,


    Ensnee, Thanks for your encouragement. I have become a stronger person through all of my problems and appreciate each day more. We planned on going to church yesterday but I woke up with Petekiae all over my body and whishing sound in my head. Called my doctor and woke him up. He sent me right to the hospital and we didn’t get home until 11:30pm last night. We sure have to learn patience and my husband, Jerry sits with me all the time. My platelets were only 2,000 and my Hgm was 8 (which was causing the head problem). Got 2 units of red cells and 5 of platelets. Am feeling much better today. My doc said we are going to take this treatment with caution according to my body. Jerry doesn’t know how to use a computer but like Hans, I tell him everything and he’s very interested in what’s going on with everyone.

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