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Blood clots in the lungs/chest – anyone else?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Blood clots in the lungs/chest – anyone else?

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    My dad was taken into hospital at the weekend as he had severe chest pains. He has been on Vidaza for 8 months. They done a scan today and said he had blood clots, am not sure if they were on the lungs or the chest area. He seems a lot more stable now and for the moment is having injections to disperse the clots. He was due to start his next session of Vidaza next week but this has obviously been cancelled. I just wondered if this had happened to anyone else and what is likely to happen in the future. Will he go back to having the Vidaza, or is this a sign that his body can no longer tolerate it. (His diagnosis is RAEB and his platelets are normally just under the 100 mark). Would appreciate any advice as do not seem able to get a lot from his doctors at the moment!


    A few years ago, I had severe chest pains and was so short of breath I could barely talk. An MRI and other tests revealed that my lungs were full of small clots that had traveled from clots in my calf and thigh. Also, I apparently suffered from a mild heart attack related to the clots. With treatment (heparin, coumadin and oxigen, I was able to leave the hospital after 8 days. I had to remain on coumadin for more than 2 years, with frequent checks of my bleeding time.

    I do not have mds. If your father has low platelets or some other related problem, he may require different treatments to get rid of the clots.

    Sorry that I have no information about possible side effects from vidaza.

    All the best, bety


    Many thanks for your reply, sorry I took so long getting back to you, but computer decided to have a breakdown! My dad is now out of hospital, stayed in about a week and has been put on coumadin. He seems to be having some episodes with it at the mo. (shakes and shivers), but am not sure if the coumadin is what is causing it. Many thanks for your reply though, it was very helpful.


    Dear Jen,

    I do not recall any side effects from the coumadin. Initially, I had to be monitored frequently to determine my bleeding time and adjust the dosage accordingly. You may want to check his temperature after the shakes and shivers stop. Sometimes it is an indication of a rising temp. I hope not.

    All the best, bety


    I have been on Coumadin since 1990. I have never had any side effects. I get my counts checked monthly. The only side effect I am aware of would be bleeding.


    I believe the coumnadin thins the blood. Because of this my husband is very sensitive to cooler temps and often shivers. He always wears thick socks except for midsummer weather.

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