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BMB Results

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    Bob had a BMB last Friday since his wbcs kept rising and were at 21, He is just finishing this round of vidaza and only down to 20.8. The BMB showed blast only at 4% but that the marrow was very active and a lot of packed /immature cells. I am sure I do not understand this but dr said he did not feel the disease progressed we were so relieved. Bob was really nervous and scared.
    He is putting him back on the Vidaza for the 28 day cycle instead of every 6 week.s He wants to see how he does and if they whites still are elevated he may try adding Hydroxhrea (spelling)
    along with the Vidaza. Bob was so nervous he is at the point he will do anything. So next round will be November 17 for the Vidaza. His arms look terrible from all the shots, He hates taking it in his stomach so off to the legs now.

    Sandy L

    HI Terri,

    That is great news that there is only 4% blasts. I am sorry that to hear that he is now going on the 4 week cycle. When Mike gets the Vidaza his WBC go way down. He is on the 6th shot and his WBC is 1.2. He is going in for a tx tomorrow – 2 pints, and then to get his last shot for this month. Good thing with the hurricane coming who knows if the office will be open. The platelets are holding at 37. Mike takes the shots in both arms and both sides of the stomach. His left arm is all black and blue and still has a hard lump – probably from the serum. They probaly hit something with the needle. Be safe during the storm and please post if you can so that I know you are all right. I will do the same. I will be starting to take in the lawn furniture tomorrow and batten doen the hatches.


    Great news Terri,what a blessing. Hope Bob continues to get good results. Its wonderful to get such good news.


    Hi Sandy, Stay Safe, Bob’s counts today were hgb 10, plts 56, reds 4.77 and the good old whites at the 20.8. These are always his problem but we were so relieved when the doctor walked in to tell us. Tomorrow is his seventh shot for this time around. Bob still has bruises on his stomach from almost a year and a half ago. On the lumps, after they give the shot rub the area, the nurses tell us that the vidaza balls up in one area sometime and gently rubbing it massages the vidaza into the system. One of our nurses started doing it one day and we asked her what she was doing and she explained.


    Hi Terri, I am so glad to hear that the doc. gave you guys some good news!!

    I’m thinking about you both & wishing you safety through the upcoming storm.



    Hi Terri,

    I’m so glad that Bob’s disease hasn’t progressed, that’s great news! Hope the 28 day cycle of Vidaza helps to get his wbc’s down. I’m sorry he has to endure all of those needles in his stomach and arms …not fun being a walking pin cushion! Would be nice if they could invent an oral form of the drug. I can totally understand how this disease can make Bob feel nervous. Every doctor’s visit, blood test, even catching the common cold creates so much anxiety for my mom…and I worry too so much. Take care, Jody

    PS. Good Luck with Wilma, please stay safe!


    Thanks all as usual for your support, I am so glad you are all hear, helps me get through these times.

    Sandy L


    Be safe. Mike and Bob are on the same schedule for Vidaza. Will he be tired next week? Mike is still new to this and I can’t formulate a pattern. My sister-in-law goes home on Sunday. I will be sad to see her go. It was nice having the extra person in the house. Have you made any arrangements if your lose electricity? Where else can you go? We will probably go to my in-laws. We are on a Lake and they are more secure than we are.


    Sandy, STAY SAFE- We will hang here, WE lost power for a week during Last years storms Bob could go to my daughters in Pompano she only lost power one day last year. But he won’t leave me. I am sure I will be working as I am in Insurance and if there are claims got to go in. We have all our stuff, I am doing clothes today in prepration of losing power. Cooking some of the foods I had in freezer left, I actually was lucky this time I didn’t overstock it. Bob is tired always the following week after the Vidaza it will take a little to get back to himself. Now he will start feeling better and we will be back for treatment.

    Sandy L

    Hi Terri

    I saw your post saying that Bob is having some back problems. Is it related to MDS? What are they doing to help him?


    Dr says back problems and aches in the hips etc are from the marrow, His marrow is packed with a lot of cells

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