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can someone explain me what is the Essiac tea?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board can someone explain me what is the Essiac tea?

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    I try to find out something on polish websites, but there aran’t any infomations in polish language. Is tnis something like green tea? or some kind of herb? What does Essiac Tea include? Where may I buy it?


    Dear Viola,
    Essiac Tea is a mixture of 4 roots. The formula was given to a Canadian nurse by an Ojibway tribesman. You should be able to buy it in any Health Foods Store. There are various preparations: teabags, herbs, capsules. My mom tried the teabags, but nothing happened. The herbs can be a mess. The capsules are easy to take. The original Canadian formula costs double what the capsules cost, and the capsules are identical. I’m naive about Poland. I don’t know if you have Health Food Stores there. Surely you can get it somewhere. I hope so, Viola. Good luck to you.
    ~~~ Janet



    If you can find a book or website written by an Herbalist named Maria Treben, you will probably find out all you want to know regarding Essiac Tea. She is from Germany so her products will be readily available to you if you live in Poland. If I am not mistaken, the main ingredient is Burdock Root. I don’t know about other parts of the world but any bush or field you go to in Ontario is FULL of Burdock plants. I pick burrs off of my dogs’ long coats every night after we go for a run through the fields. THEY do the running…I do the picking. Then they snarl and snap because burrs hurt when they get into dog fur. hehe.

    Also Janet, you asked me where we are located in Ontario. We are right by Kitchener/Waterloo. That is halfway between London and Toronto? Have you been this way in your travels?



    Caroline …

    Isn’t halfway between London and Toronto in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?? Just kidding !!! Merry Christmas.




    Funny Guy.

    My London isn’t quite as beautiful as the London you are talking about…..and right about now it is covered in a blanket of snow.

    Merry Christmas to you.



    I bought the bottled tea from this company and am very pleased!! I haven’t been able to use it with my dad, but I am going to take it myself, just for the health benefit. Hopefully, I may be able to give some to my dad soon.
    This company ships all over the world. And they have good information on their website. Hope this helps.


    Dear Caroline,
    Oh, yes, I’ve been to Kitchener/Waterloo! That’s Mennonite Country! I LOVE St.Jacob’s! I love to eat there…everything they’ve got! I also bought some of the crafts to take home. How I envy your blanket of snow! We’re a desert and it’s dry as a bone here! My skin is flaking off!
    For all of you, I copied the information on my mom’s Essiac Tea. It’s Esiak Caps, 450 mg, 4:1 Extracts. It is manufactured by NOW Foods, Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108. Their Web site is This doesn’t mean that this is the right preparation for everyone. I can only tell you that it works for my mom. There are other preparations.
    Ah, Caroline! Kitchener/Waterloo is also the home of my former RV Roadtrek. Canada is so wonderful!
    I’m home for Christmas, but just in case, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
    You know, I used to visit a chatroom. I left it, because the people were ratbags. I had always hoped for a Forum like this. All of you are such nice people! I have a lot to be thankful for this Holiday Season!
    ‘Have fun in Canada, Caroline! Did you know that New Brunswick is famous for CHRISTMAS TREES!
    Your friend,


    Janet, Caroline , Jerry, Caren … thank You all of You! I try to find more informations and to bye Essiac Tea for my Dad. Once again, thank You!


    You are welcome, Viola. I hope that the Essiac Tea works for your Dad.



    Karen, Thanks for posting the web site. It sounds like a good reputable business with people who really care.

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