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Christopher is now with his Dad

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Christopher is now with his Dad

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    With heavy heart I have to tell you that Christopher went to Heaven on Oct. 11, 2005. His body had become septic and with no white cells to fight infection he never stood a chance. I was priviliged to spend his last 24 hours of life with him, just as I spent his first 24 hours of life 47 years ago on Oct 7, 1958. When I thought that losing my dear husband Walden last year to AML was the worst thing I would ever experience, I had no idea how much worse this seems. I carried this child in my body, nursed him at my breast, watched him grow into a fine man. Today, Oct 15th is the wake and tomorrow a funeral service. My daughter in law has decided on cremation. This is a bit uncomfortable for me but I know it is the way of the future. I am just one of those old fashioned Irish Catholics who does not mind having a grave to occasionally visit. Walden’s grave marker is so beautiful, a tribute to his life. Oh well, these are not my decisions to make. Knowing I have the loving support of family and the ever widening circle of friends that internet provides, I am blessed. Marie, a grieving mother.


    Marie, my heart is heavy also. I have been praying for Christopher and for the family. Maybe some day we will understand this better. In the meantime I’ll continue to pray for your struggle and for strength and for eventual peace.


    Marie …

    I am fairly new here but it was with a very heavy heart that I read your post this morning. Please know that people that you do not even know have you in our prayers today. My heart goes out to you and your family. God Bless.


    Aw Marie,

    My heart aches for you and your family…I’m so very sorry. Please know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love, Jody


    Marie, my heart too aches for you and your family. Know that we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


    Dear Marie,
    My heart goes out for you, and for your family. I don’t think I could find the right word to write , how much I feel with you. Your fanily’s love will help you through this most difficult times. My thoughts are with you. Kate



    As my aunt told my father (who told her not to cry when she went to visit him at hospice), my tears are adding to the river of tears that carry him Heaven. My heart is breaking for you.



    Marie, I’m so sorry for your losses. I hope your memories will sustain your spirit.



    DEar Marie:
    I am so sad to hear about Christopher. He and Walden will be looking down on you and the rest of the family and taking care of you.
    My prayers continue for strength for all of you


    dear marie

    i have no words to express the sadness i feel upon hearing of the passing of christopher – may you have the strength to get through this most difficult time – may all the loving memories you have of him fill your heart forever



    Marie, I am new here, so I am not sure exactly what is appropriate, but I am so sorry for your loss. Life seems to be so unfair at times like these. This is when our faith play such an important role. Trust that God has a plan for you. May the Lord bless you and hold you close now. Robin


    Marie, I’m so very sorry to hear of Chris passing.Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sandy M

    I’ve been gone for a few day’s and i’m so heartbroken and I grieve for you … as if losing your partner in life isn’t a big burden to make peace with , now this, you now have to endure saying good-bye to your child, I can’t think of anything to say other than…bless you and your’s


    Dear Marie aand family,


    Dear Marie and family,

    As if the loss of your dear Walden was not enough,I just can’t begin to know how much you all must be grieving this new loss.
    I am sure your strong faith will help you and all the family deal with this.
    May God love, comfort and bless you all.

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