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cmml and sweating

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    My mother has CMML, she is 76, CMML was diagnosed about 2 years ago, following many years of ITP. She isn’t a candidate for bone marrow transfusion, but with pain medication and prednisone is doing reasonably well (much better than doctors originally advised). However, her major issue is sweats. These are similar to menopausal night sweats, or the type of sweat one breaks one in after a high fever, but they can occur anytime of day or night, and last anywhere from an hour to 36 hours (yes, continuously). When she is sweating, she is constantly damp, and consequently very, very cold. Needless to say, this has a severe effect on her quality of life. Has anyone out there experienced anything similar, and are there any suggestions to alleviate these symtoms? Thanks!


    Dear Marilyn,

    The skin is one of the body’s main avenues for detoxifying. The others are: the kidneys, the liver, and the lungs). My guess is that her body is trying to get rid of toxins through the skin. To truly alleviate the symptom, one would need to really help her body detoxify more fully, by–for example–starting to take Essiac capsules and eating a detoxifying diet (staying away from all processed foods, eating only organic vegetables and fruit, trying to juice daily–drinking lots of green juices). Medication can also act as a toxin in the system; perhaps the medication is helping to create the effect.

    Rather than trying to shut off the sweating which is her body’s way of trying to detoxify, I would do what you can to help her be more comfortable when she sweats and also to provide her with pure clean water to sponge off her body after wards. By pure water, I mean water not contaminated with chlorine, fluoride, etc. Use warm distilled water and a clean, well-rinsed off washcloth to wipe down her body during and after the sweating episodes. Also frequently change her sheets and clothes if necessary. Make sure she is drinking non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water. Distilled is okay. Freshly made carrot-apple and dark leafy-green apple juice is also good.

    Hope this is helpful.


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