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colloidal silver

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    Mom still in hospital 7 weeks and counting, they are still unable to find source of fevers. Attempted to do a bronch scope today but Mom spiked a fever and needed tylenol so we are hoping for tomorrow, they will just wash her lungs in saline and see what comes up, too risky to do a biopsy WBC 1.8. Heard about Colloidal Silver used as antibiotic found following website
    Has anyone ever used? Any idea how to get? Dosage? Doctor said chemo not working, Mom can’t handle 2nd round of Mylotarg I don’t see the point anyway. Just want to get fever under control and get her out of hospital. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
    God Bless



    Colloidal silver is a great antibiotic. Here’s what my Prescription for Nutritional Healing book says:

    “Colloidal silver is an inexpensive healing agent and disinfectant that has a myriad of applications. It is a clear golden liquid composed of 99.9 percent pure silver particles approx. .0001 to .01 microns in diameter that are suspended in pure water. Colloidal silver can be mixed with either tap or distilled water and applied topically, taken by mouth, or administered intravenously.”

    “Topically, it can be used to fight fungal infections of the skin or nails and to promote the healing of burns, wounds, cuts, rashes and sunburn. It can be used on toothaches and mouth sores, as eyedrops, and as a gargle to fight tooth decay and bad breath. It can also be used as a sterilizer and can even be sprayed on air-conditioning filters and air ducts and vents to prevent germs from growing. Taken internally, colloidal silver can be used to fight infection. It has been shown to be effective against more than 650 disease causing organisms, including e.coli and fungus.” pg. 66

    This particular book does not have cautions listed but I have other books that caution that most people have too much heavy metal in their bodies and long term use of colloidal silver probably isn’t wise. In the case of your mom I think the benefits of SHORT TERM use far exceed any risks at this point. Man, intravenous would be great if you could convince her doctors!!! That would probably be a cold day in hell before they’d do that though. So, at this point, it’s worth a try. You’re going to have to check the bottle you get because I’ve got two numbers here. One says 1 tsp. twice daily. The other says 1 tbls. twice daily. That might have to do with the brand though so I think you should check whatever brand/bottle you buy. It should have dosing info on it. Once you break the fever and give her body about 5 extra days to make sure there is no remaining infection I would stop the colloidal silver.

    If you’ve got a local vitamin shop that will be the fastest way for you to get it. Otherwise you can try or Either of those places should have it but shipping will take time. There must be some sort of vitamin world or something near you in NY.

    Hang in there. This is such a hard time. Take care and keep us posted.

    All the best,



    I knew you would have the answer, thanks for the information, I am worried about getting from local shop perhaps not the right kind, they say there are 3 types but I will check out the websites and such.
    Hope your MIL is doing well look forward to her next update.



    I wouldn’t worry too much about buying it local. It’s pretty tough to screw up colloidal silver. I think if you check the ingredients it’ll all be pretty much the same. There are some supplements that I only buy from certain places because I know the quality but honestly, colloidal silver wouldn’t be one I’d worry about.

    Keep us posted.

    Mom will see the doc next tuesday and Dr. Kou next Thursday so I’ll have an update then.

    Take care of yourself.



    Dear Lucy,

    Fever means your mom’s immune system is trying to mount a fight to help heal her body (probably also in response to the Mylotarg, which I understand is a form of chemo). It is a good sign. Have you considered helping her immune system to become strong again through nutritional therapy and detoxification? I just came from a three day caregiver’s seminar at the Gerson Institute in San Diego where among other things, I ate and drank a modified Gerson diet.

    Over the course of the day, Saturday, June 17th, I (somewhat stupidly) had three 8 oz. glasses of organic carrot-apple juice. I started getting a headache in the p.m. (which was the result of stored toxins being broken down and released into my bloodstream, I believe), and couldn’t eat dinner/had to go to the bathroom to try to “eliminate” three times. Finally, around 7 pm, I was able to fully do so. Next day, my head felt really clear and I had lots of energy.

    The carrot-apple juice, I later realized, is a powerful natural “medicine” for the body, full of phytochemicals that act as a powerful detoxifier. Drinking 3 8 oz. glasses is the nutritional equivalent of eating 12 large carrots and 3 large apples. That is the beauty of juicing, because you get large amounts of nutrition in an easily assimilable form for the body. Little bodily energy is expended in digesting a juice, which is great for people who have chronic conditions such that their digestive system is impaired, among other things.

    If you and your mom can handle the idea of having a coffee enema once or twice a day (no more than that for a chemo-treated patient who has to detox slowly) and 3-4 glasses of freshly made carrot-apple juices along with organically prepared meals (probably for her the equivalent of 7 lbs. of fruits and veggies each day, mostly raw in the form of juices), you might consider going to the Baja Nutricare Clinic with her for two weeks. That is the fully-licensed Gerson Therapy clinic in Mexico.

    At the seminar, I met a lady who was diagnosed with liver cancer in mid-April. She had just come from the Baja Nutricare Clinic and was glowing (after four weeks there with her sister who is her caretaker). Four weeks prior, though, she was very sick and very weak, when she checked into the clinic.

    There are MDs there, well-trained, who run blood, urine, and other tests to regularly monitor how the therapy is affecting the body, making adjustments here and there.


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