I am 61 y/o Hispanic male that was diagnosed with MDS TP53 variant Jan 2023. I was being monitored and on standard care since April 2017. I had an AUTO Stem Cell Transplant at that time. A drawback is developing a secondary cancer. This occurred Jan 2023 when diagnosed with MDS TP53. This quickly progressed to Acute Myeloid Leukemia Oct 2023. My oncologist suggested I go to MD Anderson Houston and we did that October. The purpose was to find some time – by participating in clinical trials.
Well, I enrolled in two separate clinical trials and unfortunately, my oncologist informed me that the second clinical trial was showing no progress. That was enough for us. A allogenic (another person) stem cell was not an option for me. So, we decided time to return home and go on supportive care and eventually as the disease progresses, hospice care.
I would encourage patients to consider clinical trials. I did so as to further medical information on these diseases.
God Bless