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Cyclosporine for platelet counts anyone had this?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Cyclosporine for platelet counts anyone had this?

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    My doctor wants to start me on Cyclosporine to increase my platlet count (12) before starting me on any other MDS meds. My insurance company does not want to pay for it, and at $666.99 for a one month supply I can’t afford it. It would be very dangerous to start the other drugs before I can build up a buffer in my platlets. Has anyone else taken this to increase the platelet count. I think Arlene mentioned something about it in one of my other emails. Does anyone know the best way to get financial help with medications. Since Cyclosporine is usually used to prevent rejection after a transplant the insurance company can’t see why I need to take it for MDS. Any advice or opinions you all can give me will be appreciated. Thanks Joanne


    Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), is an autoimmune disorder, where low blood platelets is the main symptom.

    It is treated with Cyclosporine. Maybe you could ask your insurance representative, if they cover the drug for use in this disease. If so, what is the difference in covering it for one disease and not the other.


    Hi Josey,

    If you put in cyclosporin under the search option at the top of the screen you’ll get some info. My mom was on cyclosporin before Gleevec and it did help her platelet counts. Can your physician prescribing the cyclosporin write a letter to your insurance company explaining the benefit of the drug? I sure hope they pay!!

    Best of luck,



    Josey, Have your Drs office try, Our insurance company limits the Zofran odt to only 12 pills a month. I have to get the DRS office to call and fill out papers for the Ins Company to approve the full 30 pills for a month (They last Bob longer then a month but ) this is for Nausea and the cost is $1084. without the insurance paying but It got through. Our drs office also will put down as Bob diagnosis MDS, AMS and ITP for this reason on meds etc and the insurance.


    Continued. Ok I meant AML not AMS. But Bob has not transformed to AML


    Thanks guys I will suggest this to my doctor, but since he is a hematologist and an oncologist I felt he should know all the tricks of getting this done, but maybe not??? Worth a try. Joanne


    Josey, Actually I go direct to the Nurse in the office that handles the Insurance referrals for Meds. The doctors have no clue.

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