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Dacogen or Vidaza

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Dacogen or Vidaza

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    Did your dad begin his Dacogen on Monday? Did the doctor explain that usually about 10 to 14 days after the treatment the patient experiences a drop in their blood counts? It could be quite a severe drop where fever develops and he would have to enter the hospital. My husband began his third round of Dacogen on Monday. He had to be hospitalized after each of the previous cycles because he ran a fever of 103. He was in for 3 days both times. Others on Dacogen experience the drop, but don’t have a fever. Everyone reacts differently. That is one of the main things you learn here… size doesn’t fit all.

    Take care and keep posting.


    Yes, he has now had 1 round of dacogen. The doctor has really not explained much, but I have read that the patient drops blood count after about 14 days. My dad has had fevers and has been hospitalized.

    He had an EGD (gastro internal doctor) and had some ulcers stapled. He is taking some medication protonix for the ulcers. However, he has started internal bleeding again and the doctors are having a difficult time figuring out where the bleeding is. He is needing blood transfusions and platelets.

    Any experiences from others on the internal bleeding???



    My husband is in the hospital now with pneumonia. His HGB rose only 1 point after 3 units of PRBC. They are looking into internal bleeding now. Please keep me posted as to what they find out with your dad and will let you know also.

    My husband completed round 3 of Dacogen on Feb 22. He has been hospitalized approximately 10 to 14 days after treatment each round because of fevers and riggors.

    Keep in touch,


    Check the liver if there is anything going on there… I was told dacogen is processed through the liver and can put a toll on it. It is also an organ that bleeds a lot was what i was told as well. Also, many times intestinal bacteria -VRE- can plant there making an infection site, this is what I remember but I am in no way a doctor.-jen


    getting vidaza or dacogen will lower cell counts. that’s why it is critical to get cbc blood checks twice weekly with accompanying blood products and neupogen shots to bolster the compromised blood. I’m convinced that you are looking for trouble when the neutophil counts gets below 0.5.

    never heard of dacogen being “processed” by the liver, however, I will do a little research and get back about that. I would expect that a lot of organs are impacted by lower red & white cell counts such as the liver, heart, kidneys, GI tract, spleen, etc.


    Jack- I meant that the liver filters the chemo and takes a hit…after induction chemo my dad had actual lesions on his liver from the process. As for the VRE that happens many times – the normal bacteria in our bodies actually becomes dangerous to those with low immunity, like when the blood counts are supressed by chemo. That also happened to my dad, and that combo was what they think led to his liver bleeding out or infection taking over his body. I hope this explains it better. Jen


    i did the research & also asked my wife’s hematologist who also went through his notes. there is no data showing that dacogen does any damage to the liver. yes it is processed by the liver but no “known” cases of liver damage.


    My father passed away last Saturday afternoon on March 22nd. I appreciate all the help that I received. Thanks for the prayers that were received. Funeral is on Thursday morning.


    Jo L.


    I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. You and your family are in my thoughts during this difficult time.



    sorry about your dad. from your posts, i know he went through a lot.



    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time of loss. Your father was blessed to have you as a son and a health advocate.

    Take care of yourself,


    I just read your post. I am very sorry for your loss. PLease accept my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


    dear zeke

    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time




    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



    Zeke, I was on to check on how you and dad were doing and saw the horrible news. I am so sorry for your loss and will pray for you and that your good memories will help you to come out the other side of the horrendous grief. I am not too far ahead of you on this road and know how tough it is- let us know if you need to talk/email. God bless you, Jen

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