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Dad's update

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    He came home from the hospital on Friday after finishing the arsenic and ara-c first cycle. They stopped giving him the ara-c on Wed. because his liver enzymes were up…any thoughts? He had a great weekend home, but when he went to the dr. here for a routine blood test, they saw his ankles were still swollen, they saw his PIC line was badly infected, his counts were all WAY down and they admitted him to the hopsital, started him on antibiotics and removed the PIC line. They are now transporting him back to New York Presbyterian Hosptial where Dr. Feldman and his crew can watch him. He’s having the bone marrow biopsy there this week anyway, so I guess it’s best he’s back where they can treat him better. And he seemed to be doing SO good. His spirits were up and he was happy. Now he’s bummin’ and I’m a nervous wreck!


    Janice, my thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you. Sounds like you are going through the ups & downs like we are. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all better…

    many hugs,


    Tell Dad to keep his spirits up. PICC lines can become infected so easily. It is the #1 complication. Since his counts are low, it is best to start IV antibiotics. The elevation in liver enzymes is expected w/ ARA-C. The degree to which they are elevated is most likely the concern. ARA-C is known to be hepatotoxic, but this is usually reversed once the drug is discontinued.
    I’m hoping for good news w/ his BMB.



    This disease never seems to stop providing road blocks. It is like being on a roller coaster. I know how you feel. It is terrifying. It sounds like they got your Dad the care he needs quickly so try to have hope. I will keep you in my prayers.



    Esme, Lynette, Caroline: Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and blessings. I’ll keep you posted. And all my best to all of you and yours as well!


    Hi Janice,

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers. Hope all goes well with your Dad’s bmb this week.

    Take care,



    Hi everyone: I went to see my dad today at NYP. His arm is really swollen and red and it hurts him. They are giving him antibiotics. His BMB has been switched to Monday instead of today… I guess they want to clear up the infection first. What I’m worried about is that even though his is no longer on chemo, his blood counts keep going down a bit each day. Is this normal?


    Hi Janice,
    Glad to hear that Dad is “hanging in there.”
    It is not uncommon for counts to continue to drop for up to 10 days following Chemo. the counts should reach something called “nadir” which is the lowest point counts will go before they start heading up. In fact, ARA-C can cause this effect for up to 2 weeks.
    Did your Dad try warm compresses for the arm? They can be helpful.
    One last thought, antibiotics can also affect blood counts—
    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers,


    Thanks Lynette! I feel better now that I know that’s what’s to be expected. He has been putting warm compresses on it and the doctors said that it IS getting better. Thanks again.

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