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Diagnosed in October 2010

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Diagnosed in October 2010

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    It sounds like things are moving along, Chris. Two weeks will go fast and then you’ll be on the road to recovery. It also sounds like your body is READY for this big event….be thankful for the people who have donated the blood that will keep you going until transplant.

    You and your donor are in my prayers.


    Chris may the Lord be with you and keep you strong. You are in my thoughts and prayers. All things are possible through God. God Bless.


    Good luck with eveerything. You have headaches aand get dizzy because of the 6.1 hg. The best thing you can do is listen to your body and relax when you feel that way. Before and now after transplant (Aug. 31st) I find it difficult to realize I just can’t do what I used to do YET. I will get there andd so will you. Just have some faith and a positive attitude. If you have any emotional or Physical questions about the way you are feeling feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!
    Bob (Jersey Guy)



    OOOOOOOOH it is getting close isn’t it? Soon you will be on your road to recovery. You are in my prayers.

    Bob is right about recovery takes time, but even though, you will be feeling better than you do now. Slowly you will be back to your normal and it will all have been worth it. This is your only chance for cure and I am glad you are going to go for it. This is becoming a more and more common treatment and the success rates are also getting much better. You can do this!!

    Take care and update when you can. All the best!!!


    Chris B.

    Well, today is the day! It is day -7, my first day of chemo. I am anxiously awaiting the nurse to come in and start my Cytoxan IV wondering what my reaction to it will be. It has been a rough road up to this point. I went to the emergency room last Friday due to extreme chills, worse headache I have ever had in my life and a fever of 103. Not to mention a Hgb of 4.4 when I got there. I got 5 units of blood on Saturday and Sunday morning my Hgb was only 5.9! What the heck? I was put on a multiple antibiotic regimen as the doctors thought I had some sort of infection with the fevers but blood cultures showed nothing. So I was shipped to my transplant hospital a little early again with a Hgb of 4.4. So I was given another 4 units of blood but this time with prednisone with it and my level rose to 7.6 this time. I’m still awaiting lab results from this morning to see if it is stable. Well an hour to go before I start my chemo so I am going to try to get a quick shower in and maybe a light breakfast. I will update soon.

    Chris in Wi


    Chris – So happy to hear that the ball is finally rolling on this. When my husband was admitted to the hospital (3 times)
    with chills, fever, and low counts, no amount of transfusions ever brought up his HGB. We were told the fever was the reason. He also never had anything show up on the blood cultures. His was usually due to the Dacogen treatments that he was doing at the time. With a HGB of 4.4, you must have crawled into the hospital.

    Our thoughts are with you throught this! Thanks for the updates!


    Arnold Henig

    I had bmt 2003 and MDS . My Hemmogomin low 11% mthen in 2008 9.9 was the the average count. I was getting procrit shot weekly for 7 years now. But big surprise was Medicare cut out the ok for 120000unit shot now it is 60000. maybe twice weekly. count went down lowest ever 9.1 . no transfusions yet.
    I am ok weak at times. hope someone can get my count up to at least 11.o%
    My platelets good my white good.I am new at this forum so as time goes by I can learn more.
    I am looking at the forum at Jacksonville in March but have not registered yet.
    Ask me any questions I ‘ll be here on line off and on.


    Before my transplant (Aug 2010) I had bad chills also from my temp. rising so fast. They called them raggers (I think). When they would get bad I would just ask for a shot and they would give me demeral and they would be gone in seconds. You may want to ask your nurse to get you an order for that so you don’t have to wait. Keep a posssitive attiude as much as possible and we will be here for you. There are going to be some hard times but in the end it’s the only chance at CURE. I found that one of the most frustrating parts was when friends and family would say "just eat" or "just exercise" when you can’t. Your body will let you know when it is ready to do those things. Agin good luckand ask us if some of the feelings you are having are normal. We will be here for you.

    Chris B.

    Today is day -4 and was the first day of radiation treatments. My chemotherapy was pretty uneventful except it put about 20 pounds of fluid on me! I felt really bloated and am now just getting a little appetite back. The fevers from last week are gone. The doctors here think it was from all the blood products I was getting. I did get 2 units today as my Hgb dropped down to 5.5. My WBC’s and Neutrophils are dropping like they should be after chemo. I have no side effects from chemo or radiation yet but I’m sure they are coming. Six more radiation treatments then it’s finally day 0! I will keep updating as long as I’m feeling ok.

    Chris in WI


    All the best to you and remember you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    By the way, what hospital are you being treated at? Is it a large transplant center? I have to believe that all the centers that do this have got to be top notch.

    Take care.


    Chris B.

    I’m at University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. They are very good here. I have no complaints except the room is like a matchbox but I’m used to it. Today is day -2 and I’m still feeling pretty good. I have three radiation treatments left then Friday is the big day! I’m getting two units of blood today as my Hgb dropped to 5.9. It is dropping more slowly now as the Dr. says the radiation I am getting should be killing some of the antibodies I have.
    Take Care,

    Chris in Wi


    May God be w/ you. Be strong. Good Luck.

    Chris B.

    Today is day +1 for me. The transplant went pretty well yesterday. My family almost missed it as they went to lunch and right after they left the cells came up from the lab. They did get to see the tail end and got to take some pictures. I did get some chills and a slight temp acouple hours afer but all that has gone away and everything seems to be normal. I’m starting to get some sores in the upper mouth now and I have alot of loose BM’s. I’m sure it’s going to get a bit worse before it gets better.

    Chris in WI


    Congrats Chris. Now is the beginning of a slow process to healing. Ii had mouth sores also and there wasn’t much I could do. They have a mouth wash that has some pain medicine in it that you may want to ask for. Keep your head up and you will get through this. Try to stay possitive and pray a litttle it will help. Good luck and I hope you have a GREAT day.


    Chris B.
    I have been away from the forum for awhile and am looking to see how you are doing after transplant. It has been 2 months since your transplant and I pray that things have gone well for you. I am sure that I am not the only one that would love to hear an update.


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