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did your neupogen stop working?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board did your neupogen stop working?

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    If you’ve ever taken neupogen for your white cells, did it ever stop working for you? And if so, how long did it work?

    For all intense purposes it appears that the neupogen stopped working for mom about 6 months ago. We are doing a two week trial run to see what happens but we’re pretty sure she’s done with it. As they hand counted white cells because she had so few today I figure she can only go up so that’s not going to tell us much!

    Just curious about other folks experience. Mom has been on it 2 1/2yrs but it looks like it worked for two years.





    I took Neupogen for 3 years; twice weekly. The growth factor never stopped working for me. I stopped taking Neupogen when my wbc climbed to 17 prompting a bmb. For whatever reason, my marrow kicked in and started producing both reds and whites in qty and quality to sustain me without the need for growth factors. I have RA.

    Best Regards,
    Pam L.


    Thanks, Pam. Mom has RAEB so her marrow is basically in complete failure. I’m guessing she’s just unable to get those stems cells to mature with the neupogen anymore. Thanks for sharing. How cool that your body kicked in!



    Dr. Stone in his talk that is podcast on .

    states that the growth stimulators for white cells can produce an increase in counts, but are not shown clinically to reduce the infection rate. (At least thats the way I understood his statement.)

    Does anyone have any comments on their experiences?

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