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    Hey all,

    just wanted to share my dad’s latest visit w/ you guys.

    His platelet count went up to 11,000 after the tx. on Monday and his white count was up in the 40s. The whites have gone up only a little since the last check….

    His lungs, etc. sounded fine and his coughing up blood could be from bronchial irritation…. Apparently not an issue.

    My dad was supposed to start his 3rd round of Vidaza on Monday, but they have decided to cease any treatment until the end of June when, if he is still a candidate, a trial drug will be available. From what I can figure out, the Vidaza’s potentcy has decreased and they are avoiding induction chemo…. so holding out appears to be the best option at the moment. I’ll take it!!!

    We have a joke around our family that when we aren’t doing so good we say we are “fine”. Well the other night we were watching a movie and they said “fine” and it stands for freaked out-insecure-neurotic & emotional. My dad got a good chuckle when I told him. smile

    Well, I just thought the info. on the doc. appt. could be of interest. Thanks so much for your support. I am definitely keeping the faith, hoping for the best & hanging tough!!!




    In that case, if you’ll read my post, I’m FINE too wink .

    I’m glad that your dad is doing better. I hope the blood really is just a bronchial infection and I’m glad the doctor’s not worried about it.



    Kathryn, Glad you and family get to relax for a few weeks. Do you know what the trial med is that they are waiting for?


    I have asked my step. about the trial drug and the nurse couldn’t/wouldn’t tell her…. On Monday they will have more info., like the current requirements to be a candidate, etc.. I will see if she can ask again. I also found out that in order to participate my dad needed to be chemo free for 4 weeks…. Regardless, the Vidaza doesn’t appear to be as beneficial as it was at first. We are hoping that he will still be eligible when the time comes. They may be able to bump it up earlier than the end of June.

    Hey, I was wondering if you could make sense of this. He says that he doesn’t feel better, but he appears to feel better…. more active, talkative, etc.. His first round of Vidaza was so rough on him and with the second round we thought that the 2 units of blood he rec’d. the first day helped his body adjust to it because he handled it much better… It is very confusing…. You definitely have to take it one day at a time. My dad has “cancelled” the beach trip again… He’s not feeling well today. I think he is also emotionally drained. He was really worried about the blood when he coughed. We’re still holding out though. smile

    *HUGS* to you both,



    keep “holding” Your Dad may actually feel better physically but deciding to stop a protocal can be a real downer mentally. You feel like something you had placed your hope in has not worked and that you might be loosing ground. If you are dealing with doctors you trust, my guess is they have good reason to want to put him on the new trial-ie think it might have a better chance of working for him. All the trials I know have wanted 30 days “dry out” period so that they are not dealing with the combination of the old drug and the new. Good luck

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