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Dr Raza

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    Dr Raza used to be in Chicago and is now at the University of Mass. Dr Raza is very involved with MDS

    These links should take you to the website a lot of interesting reads. They are doing some protocol/trials on natural products such as Turmeric and ginerol as well as enzyme coQ10
    There is a lot of interesting information if anyone is interested.


    Terri, Interesting studies going on at U.Mass , thanks for the site.


    I just returned from a consultation W/ Dr. Raza. She is waiting until the BMB results are returned before recommending which of the studies I should enter. I went with the specific intent to enter the gingerol/curcumin study, but she thinks that the study on the oral dosage of TLK-199 (telintra) may be better. The only problem with that one, I would have to return to the Univ of Mass every three weeks for at least 4 mo. and maybe for 8 months.

    She is very strong on a healthy diet including juicing.



    The biggest likely reason Dr. Raza is so much for healthy diet and juicing is because of her nationality. I’m guessing from her name she’s from India? My MIL and I have found that of the 20+ doctors in the onco/hemo group she goes to that the only two who are very pro diet/alternatives are both Indian. One is male, one is female. Even with personal friends we have found that those of Asian cultures are far more into natural medicine then we westerners are. We just switched to the lady and meet with her for the first time in two weeks. She actually wants to KNOW what mom is taking that has gotten her past two years. She is the FIRST doctor that has asked us that. You’d think the others would want to know also. Not a chance in heck. They get angry that mom is doing natural medicine. It is a uniquely American/Western thing to shun natural medicine. But maybe you already knew that. smile

    Hoping all goes well with the study you enter.



    Dr. Raza is from Pakistan.
    One needs to be careful with supplements – things like gingerol and curcumin can cause bleeding if you have a platelet problem.


    Doesn’t really matter where she’s from, my point was just that, in general, people of other nationalities are more open to natural medicine because in their countries it is commonplace. Perhaps because medicine is not readily available to everyone there – not sure. But nonetheless, an encouraging thing to have someone in the US expressing the importance of diet in one’s overall health.

    You’re absolutely correct regarding supplements. Wouldn’t recommend anyone self medicate (or fly by the seat of the pants like we did for the first year – unless you have no choice). However, there is gingerol and curcumin in mom’s chinese medicine teas and in the right amounts they can both be helpful in actually building platelets. Whether is causes bleeding or builds platelets depends on the dose given. Must be very careful. I know Dr.Kou is extremely careful with them for mom.

    Just glad to see doctors addressing this issue, finally.



    Dr. RAza’s study using Gingerol/curmin is under carefully controlled conditions, monitoring counts very often (every 1 to 2 weeks0 and a BMB every 6 months. She is fully aware of my platelet counts as well as the other lines. One of the studies that I was interested is the Coenzyme 10Q, but she said because of my atrial fibulation, that was not for me.

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