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fever after BMB

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    deb m

    has anyone ever experienced this? this is the second time my dad has gotten fevers after a BMB. is this his body just reacting to the invasion?
    thanks for any help


    Hi Deb,
    Have never had a fever after a BMB.
    Has he discussed with his doc?
    What is his temp?
    What is his “normal” temp. (ie mine is 97.6-97.8)
    Tried Tylenol?
    Any redness around the BMB site?
    How long has he had the fever?
    How long did it last the last time?

    deb m

    for a about a month before and for about a month after my dad was dx with MDS he would get a fever (like 99 – 101 degrees F) every night. it would last about an hour and tylenol would bring it down and he would be fine otherwise. after his first BMB he fevers were a bit worse for two days. then he got his fevers pretty much under control. after his second BMB he was feeling great until that night and had a high fever. he ended up in the hospital. once he got his fevers under control using an SSRI he was fine for weeks. hasn’t had a fever at all in weeks. then he went for a third BMB on Thursday. so Thursday night and last night he has had a fever again. chills, fever, etc. the tylenol brings it down but it takes about an hour or so to get it under control.
    thanks for you resonse, Neil.
    any ideas?


    Hi deb,
    Would be inclined to be looking for a cause that could be triggering the fever not related to MDS.
    Note you are in Florida. Do you think it possible that mold associated with higher humidity might be the cause? It could be triggered by different issues. Might be that he should see an internist to track down the fever situation.
    I very rarely have a fever, but my hemo/onc always mentions he wants me to contact him in the event I have a fever over 100.

    deb m

    his doc is saying that the fevers are just a side effect of the MDS. the transplant doc is saying the same and recommneded the SSRI (paxil). he was in the hospital twice for fevers and they could find no cause. they were coming every night for about an hour around the same time. strange.
    i apprecitae your responses!



    my father’s doctor wanted him to be contacted with any fever over 100.4 – fevers in patients with mds can become uncontrollable very quickly and should not be taken lightly even if tylenol makes it better

    good luck

    deb m

    thanks, Eve. yes, my dad’s doc wants him to call about fevers over 100.4 as well. they have stayed below that, so he is doing home care. they usually last about an hour and then that’s it! not sure why.

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