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Glass half empty or half full

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    “Lord, Give me the knowledge to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I can’t change, and the wisdom to know the difference.” We have all read this prayer, (I’m not sure if I have the words exactly correct.) It seems so simple, but for most of us, impossible. I read all the time, words like, I am in remission, but worry about when the leukemia will return. It will return when it wants to and there is very little we can do about it. Why can’t we enjoy the remission, we worked hard to reach that point. I am as guily as anyone. Since I was diagnosed three years ago I have lived from blood test to blood test, alway’s worring if this is going to be the month when things go really bad. I get my cbc and things are ok, so I think will it be next month, why can’t I enjoy the fact that it is not this month and let next month take care of it’s self. I envy those of you who can accomplish this. I am going to work harder to enjoy today, tomorrow will be here soom enough. Sorry for the rant.


    I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I’m a walking time bomb waiting for it to go off. On days, like today, when I feel crummy, its not hard to imagine the worst. I have to fight to convince myself it’s not the MDS, probably the weather or something I had for dinner last night. Personally, I derive strength from others on this board that are in the same boat.

    All this and just two weeks ago, my blood tests looked good. Even the platelets are up.

    All we can do is hang in there, support each other and enjoy life while we can.



    I don’t know if there are any engineers on this board besides myself but the subject line reminds me of an engineering joke.
    A pessimist says the glass is half empty. A optimist says it’s half full. An engineer says the glass is twice as big as it need be. smile



    Although I don’t have MDS, I am the full time caregiver to my MIL who has it. I can tell you I have sat exactly where you are at and a good friend finally reminded me of a bible verse I desperately needed reminding of –

    “Sufficient is the day for the evil thereof.” In other words, we’ve got enough going on today, don’t worry about tomorrow.

    For me, I worry about what will happen when I become my SIL’s full time caregiver in addition to my three small kids. And that verse comes back to me. Sufficient is the day. She’s not here today, today I just have my three and I need to give them all of me and not part of me to them and part to worrying.

    So if that’s any help – try to remember that sufficient is the day for the evil thereof. It will take you through many “half empty days.”

    Jim, my husband is an engineer and you are so right!! He laughed at that.

    All the best,



    I know exactly how each of you feel. My husband Charlie was the most optimistic person I have ever known. We, like each of you lived each day one day at a time. Just trying to capture each and every moment in spite of all the tests, cbc’s, Dr’s , ups and downs. If it was not for our faith,we will would not have gotten through it. I continue to take each day at a time, and try to count my many blessings. Enjoy each day, it is in fact a gift from God. Each of you are close in my thoughts daily. I pray for continued strength for each of us.


    Sarah, thank you for your support, I think of you so often and trying to follow your advise and enjoy each and every day and the moment with Bob. It is hard not to think of what the tomorrows bring, but we try hard not to so that we can enjoy what the Lord has blessed us with and pray he continues to bless us.


    Uncertainty is one of the many emotions I struggle with when I am feeling good (my disease is currently in a “quiet state” with the blasts staying low and counts staying stable without transfusions or other treatment). It reminds me of how the Israelites might have felt crossing over the Red Sea…

    Path of Certainty

    Crossing through this raging river of life,
    I find myself once again walking on dry ground,
    A testimony to Your faithfulness and mercy.
    Walls of water tower on my right and my left,
    Bearing witness to the power of Your hands,
    Even while my mind begins to sense fear.
    What if the walls come tumbling down
    Before I manage to clamber up
    The riverbank so far ahead of me?
    What if Your grip on these watery waves
    Is suddenly loosed
    And I am swept away,
    Engulfed in the roiling currents again?

    Trust, my heart beats out with each step;
    Trust in the Lord whose promises never fail.
    Find joy in the journey of today,
    Skipping, if you dare, over this dusty path,
    Dancing in celebration of what He has done,
    Singing in praise of what He will yet do.
    Know that whether the path is dry land
    Or whirling mud or overpowering storms,
    That God will be right there with you.
    His love will carry you safely,
    Even when uncertainty washes over you.
    So spend this time in certainty.
    With a peaceful heart and unfettered step,
    Know that through every circumstance of life,
    He is bringing you closer to that riverbank ahead,
    Waiting to welcome you home for all eternity.

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