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    Hello Everyone,

    I have a question re: blasts. If a healthy person has a blood test, is there ever an acceptable blast count? Hans is completely freaking out because when he went in for a blood check on Monday, it showed a blast count of 0.04.
    He also had a BMB, and we go back tomorrow for another blood check, and the results of the BMB may or may not be ready. It does no good to tell him that after chemo, while healthy cells are growing, they may be mistaken for cancer cells because they are still immature, and therefore look like blasts.(I know that immature cells that are healthy are called blasts, also.) The nurse-practitioner ecplained this to us a couple of months ago when a blast count showed up. Since he relapsed that time, he’s CONVINCED he has one foot in the grave already. He’s paralysed with fear. I know his fear is absolutely normal. He is far more relaxed while he is in the hospital having chemo than when he comes home. I just wish there were something I could say to him to calm him. It’s excruciating seeing him like this!



    I think an experienced Dr. better answer your question because only they would know whether to expect any blasts in the blood in the stage Hans is in from chemo.



    I thought that “normal” healthy people usually have 5% or less of blasts. Is that the marrow only? I reread Esme’s post and I see she’s asking about the peripheral blood. Is that number also for peripheral blood?

    Also, wanted to thank you for all that you’ve shareed about your experience. I know we haven’t done chemo with mom but we might someday and I have learned a lot just from reading what your doctors did, etc. Thanks for sharing so clearly and understandable.



    I also remember the 5% or less. I think it is in the marrow and not out in the blood but I could be wrong. Someone who knows more will comment I am sure.


    where’s Neil when we need him?!?!? I don’t think that 4% is a big deal but I am not sure. I’ll try to check around and get back on this.


    Hi Esme,
    Yes there is an acceptable blast level.
    Normal blast range is 0.2%-1.5%
    All people, not only those with MDS might find such a count in this range if they had a BMB.
    If you take a peek at the pathology report under Bone Marrow Differential you will probably find it.
    What is troubling is the .04 was found in a blood test and might be in the peripheral blood. What was the blast count in todays sample.
    Reading your message am not certain if his is an absolute .04 or .04% or 4%. There should be a reference over the column with the blast listing that will clarify it.
    Would take a look at previous BMBs to see if there has been any change.


    Thanks, Neil. Well, it turns out that Hans’fears were justified. The doctor told us yesterday that there is disease in his bone marrow, as well as blasts in his blood. He, himself, is terribly disappointed, as he had high hopes that the AEG 35156 would do the trick for Hans. He will talk with us after the holidays on where we go from here. He will keep looking for a study at PMH which Hans could fit into. The AEG study has actually been halted for now due to some apparently toxic level of blood “complements” in Hans’ blood. We are, of course, devestated. Looks like there is no chance of doing the SCT now.

    Sorry for another dose of bad news. All of us here aren’t doing too well, eh?



    Hi Esme, I’m sorry to hear that Hans latest treatment wasn’t a success. Have faith that there is something out there that will be effective for him.It seems that he has a wonderful, caring Dr.who will come up with something that will work for Hans. I will keep Hans in my prayers.
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


    Hi Esme,

    A big hug to you and Hans. How terribly disappointing….Try not to give up hope. Hoping and praying that his Doctor will find an alternative treatment that works.

    Thinking of you guys,


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