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Hiding Veins

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    Dear Friends,
    I was wondering if there are any tips that you may be able to offer my father? He is transfusion dependent (1-2 pints every 2 weeks) and today, his veins were put to the test! He was poked at least 4 times before they were able to find a vein that would allow him to receive his transfusion. Any tips on how to ease the pain or how to make the transfusions easier? And, this is just for my own curiosity, how bad (how much does it hurt) when being poked with needles? I know its a stupid question and the answer is that, of course it hurts, but I just have to know. It pains me to see my father in pain. I know this pain is not pain at all in the grand scheme of things but I guess I am just over protective….
    Thank you for your help

    Alice S

    Hi June
    Mom has the same problem, they sometimes prick up to 6 times, in different places before they find a vein that is usable. They also use what she calls ‘baby needles’ thin tiny needles, probably used on infants. These then need to be kept open with a tiny bit of heparin between ‘bags.’ The sometimes give her ‘Reparil Gel’ (is it available in the states?) for the bruising and pain- (did the same for Frank when his IV site became inflamed.)

    There are also certain nursing staff who are ‘experienced’ or what I would say ‘have the touch.’ If these persons are not on duty then the Hematologist will do it herself. Mom is in hospital as I write for another tx, her counts are getting worse and tx needed every second week, blasts are alos up to 12% now, with no means to zap them down without killing her.

    Take care, hope this helps, I will send an e-mail with updates on Mom etc.

    Hugs Alice



    they would put a heat pack on my dad’s arm to make the veins show up more

    it helped

    good luck




    Just a thought but if he will be long term with the transfusions and revlimid have they considered either a pic line or a port. Either way they have a target and only one poke.




    I have to also wonder why they haven’t suggested a port. My husband had one put in a couple of months ago because he was experiencing the same problem with multiple attempts in hitting a vein. The nurses said he has “rolling veins”. The port procedure was done with local anesthetic and he said it was a snap. He even drove home alone right after – a half hour away. It has reduced a lot of the stress of blood draws, typing draws, and transfusions. We were told that a nurse can only attempt 3 (or was it 2) pricks and then they have to get another nurse. I also know that the warm towel on the arm has helped my mom in the past. We always ask for it BEFORE any attempts are made.

    By the way, June, how is your dad responding to Revlimid? Have you seen any change in his counts at all? Has his doctor said how many rounds they will do to give it a fair test? I hope and pray that it works for your dad as it has for many others.

    Mike is going to begin Dacogen next week for the second time, please say a prayer.

    All the best,


    Have a couple suggestion to make TX easier. This reduces any reaction potential
    Have the doc write an order for Tylenol and Benedryl to be administered before the TX.
    Hold his arm under hot water (as hot as he can tolerate) for a few minutes, wrap it in a towel and go directly to the TX lounge to get stuck. The hot water makes the vessel “pop” and inserting the needle is much easier,


    Thank you all for your suggestions! I will pass this info to my dad and will try this in 2 weeks! God Bless everyone!!!!

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