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Hurricane Wilma

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    Jules, Have you heard anything from the fort myers area, my brother is on Pine Island, in Bokeelia. They were not going to evacuate,thought their house is sound enough. They had damage during “Charlie”, I am concerned about them.
    Guess we just wait until power is restored. I just noticed that you had open heart surgery in Jul. I hope that you are making a sucessful recovery. Take care Ellie


    Ellie, my cousin lives in Fort Myers near Sanibel Island. She said that Wilma was worse than Charley because the wind was so bad. Her home only had some landscaping & siding damage though, so they are counting their blessings. She said that overall the city held up okay. Part of the problem w/ her location is that Sanibel and the barrier islands lost a lot of their vegetation to Charley, so there isn’t as much protection. I read that power there could be out for a couple of weeks. I haven’t heard or read anything about Pine Island, so hopefully they fared well. We were looking at moving to Bokeelia/ Pine Island or Sanibel if our house here had sold. After Katrina we were having second thoughts anyway…

    I have been thinking about Terri & Kate and praying for their safety. I’m looking forward to seeing their posts!

    Best wishes,


    Sandy L

    Hi everyone,

    We went to Mike’s office in Weston. They have electric. We still have no power. Living without it is not great. The only good thing is that the weather is cool and that has been such a blessing. Mike is starting to look very white so his HMG must be down. We are waiting another 24 hours before going to the hospital. We hope that the doctors office will have electric and then we can go there tomorrow for a CBC.

    We had a lot of damage. Roof – Screens – Fences destroyed. Gutters ripped off the house The solar panels on the roof for the pool are totally destroyed and it took the roof shingles as well. It was amazing. The winds were so strong that there was actually waves (with white caps) in the lake behind the house. The calm after the storm – sky blue and clear fresh air with no humidity – cool 65 degrees.

    We ran over to the office to recharge our cell phones and computers. And I could not wait to get on the forum site to see what is happening. We hope to have power back by Sunday and I will then post again. Hope everyone else in Florida is well.

    My neighbors were wonderful. The major trees that went down over my house they cleared and that allowed us to get the cars out of the garage. The gas lines have 4 to 6 hour waits. The supermarkets are open for all can items. No ice or refrig items. They are getting a delivery tomorrow so as each day goes by more and more areas are getting electric and the long gas lines will disappear.


    At work, we have power, Home no power or phones. We thank God we are safe, Just trees down and the fence went. lots of shingles off the roof. Bobs Hemo office still shut, he was due for weekly procrit and cbc today will wait til Monday and see what happens.
    Glad to here you are safe sandy.
    I have about 3/4 tank of gas and don’t want to think about hitting those lines people are sitting for hours to get gas. Its just miserable.
    My Daughter and husband have no running water, they are back and forth between us and the inlaws.



    Have you ever looked into giving Bob his Procrit shots yourself? Debbie gives me mine and we can store a month’s supply in the refrigerator. Of course, if the power is out and we had no ice, we would be in a world of hurt! On the other hand, when she gives me the shot after dulling the needle (I swear she does!) it is a world of hurt anyway. Good luck down there in Florida.


    My brother-in-law lives about a block from the Gulf in Ft Myers in a resident owned mobile home park. They suffered no damage but they are without power.


    Hi ALL, Well I heard from my brother tonight. Their house is fine but their groves took a beating. They lost power and were on generator until last night All of the fruit trees were tipped over, they have spent the last 3 days straightening them. They had just planted 300 to replace the ones lost in hurricane Charlie last year. I’m glad that you all came thru safely.

    Sandy L

    Hi everyone

    Power is back on…..Yeah. No TV but having cold water and air makes it all right.
    Will write more tomorrow.

    Sandy L


    I hope your power goes back on tomorrow.


    Sandy and Terri,

    Glad to hear ya’all came thorough the hurricane okay. It’s hard being without the ammenities we’re used to! You guys take care and try to enjoy the less hustle and bustle while everythings down at least – if that’s possible when you’re worrying about damage. Take good care.



    Hi All:
    We were the lucky ones, lost power only for one day. We had it back by Tuesday noon.But I didn’t have Internet till today. Have a lots of roof damage and my car is banged up, but the family is well. David was in line for gasolin for 4.5 hour. My mother is with me, because there is still no power in her apartment. It was such a scary experience, I was alone, Danny slept through the whole thing. So sad to see what the hurricane did to our beautiful Florida.
    Best wishes to all of you; Kate

    Sandy L

    Hi All,

    Things are starting to go back to normal. The gas lines are gone. The markets are stocked with fresh food, meats and milk. More and more stores are opened but there is still plenty of people without electric. The rain is coming – tomorrow. Now we will see if the roof leaks. Lots of lost tiles so I am a little scared. Can’t get a roof company to come out before Nov 28th. Poor Florida – the trees took such a hard hit. Now the cleanup begins.


    Power Came back Late Friday 11/4 almost two weeks. Bob has been so weak and tired, Have not been eating right and just the stress of it all. We go this Tuesday for his counts and CBC and thinking its almost two years and he may need a transfusion. Just starting to get back in order, so much to do I am tired. two weeks of laundry, the house was a wreck and food my refrig was empty. Did buy a generator Thursday and FEMA was here at 6:30 am so I am hoping they reimburse us he said 7-10 days But I am not going to sit through this next year, Bob just can’t take it.

    Jerry, Our doctors office does not send any meds home to be self administered. I know people that were doing their own Vidaza as well. But without the power not sure it would have helped us. If we didn’t get in when we did it would have been the emergency room.

    Sandy, Things did not get better here that fast, The publix around here just got power too I went today and they were still low on lots of stuff. Thank goodness the gas lines went down.
    Glad you and Mike made it through ok.

    Hi Kate, Glad to see your post and get your emails. Keep well think of you often.

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