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I don't know how else to deal with this!

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board I don't know how else to deal with this!

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    Ever since I was diagnosed with MDS I just haven’t been myself. I feel like I am walking around in some nightmare eek and I am sure someone will wake me up pretty soon. Sometimes it seems so complicated, I wonder if I understand a single thing about this horrible disease. confused I cannot even understand what you are saying to one another most of the time!! I do understand your love and concern for one another though, that much is just amazing!

    I often feel like I have fallen into another bowl of alphabet soup!! I get my CBC and find my RBC, WBC and PLT are low. So I was a little SOB. To find out why, my ONC turns me over, no fanfare, for the BMB. When the reports come back, DX says t-MDS with an IPSS of Int. 2. I could have been staged with the FAB instead of the IPSS but it seemed so confusing with the RA, RAEB, RAEB(T), RARS, CMML. Evidently, my MDS was caused by the A/C and RADS that saved me once from BC. Now I can look forward to AML. In my case, they want to do a BMT or will it be a PSCT or PBSCT? My insurance company can’t even figure that one out. Now I have to find a type of HL-A. Maybe I could have an ABMT. I can eventually go to the NMDP. They could find me a MUD. If I do finally get that BMT, will I get GVHD? Of course I am concerned about the QoL. I know the OS rate is not so very high. Is this somebody’s idea of a “Blast”? Give me a break!!


    dear lola

    i am hysterical laughing – what a great sense of humor you have under such extremely stressful and serious times

    i love your analogy to alphabet soup

    i hope things get better for you

    returning your hugs



    Lola, I too am amazed at your Humor in a time of somewhat termoil. I remember when i first came to the Forum when my husband was diagnosed, I was lost I could not figure out what all the appreviations meant here let alone witht some of the doctors reports. However the more I read here, listened to the doctor I did start to understand and that part got easier. However I still hate this dreadful disease since it scares me so much (That unknown).

    I hope things get better for you and keep you in my prayers

    al’s wife

    Lola, thanks for a great start to my Monday morning. It’s so true. Hey, we’re all in this boat together – sometimes it feels without a paddle and going upstream.

    I keep you along with everyone on this forum in my prayers.


    Lola, what wonderful fun! And you are so right this disease as well as a lot of other things in life these days is almost too complicated to deal with. The only thing worse would be if they went to a central information bank that you called and had to push one, two, three or four-and what do you do if none seem to apply!!


    Wow Lola, though I didn’t understand half of what you said smile , I am impressed!!! Keeping one’s sense of humor is SO important! I too liked the alphabet soup analogy! Quite creative!

    w/hugs & prayers,



    Lola, you made me laugh, glad you have and good sense of humor. All this new medical lingo is mind boggling.
    Take care,


    laugh LOL Lola!! Thanks for brightening my morning!



    Thanks, Lola. You had me ROTFLMAO! Maintaining a sense of humor sure helps get thru this.
    btw, I actually followed what you were saying.



    Jim when you stopped and got up, I hope that you could find and reattach it….not having one would be far worse than having MDS!

    Kathy G

    This made my day – what a wonderful sense of humor and such spirit. It took me a couple of times but I could almost understand the whole thing. It’s funny I was going to tell my Dad to read it and before I could he had sent it to me at work to read. He got a real kick out of it.
    We had a good day (as you know some are good and others not so good). Dad got his BMB results today (he’s been on Vidaza for 4 rounds now) and there is improvement in his BMB results from his last one 6 months ago. This is the most positive news we’ve had in awhile. He had a tough time with this BMB – he started bleeding the next day from the BMB site and had to go to the ER to get it stopped. The loss of blood of course has dropped his counts a bit but hopefully they will stabilize now. I think they want him to continue the Vidaza but he wants a bit of time to enjoy feeling good before another round – can’t say as I blame him. He’s felt good and been doing some of the things he enjoys like catching a few fish.
    TAH – I hope all is well with you and your Vidaza treatments. Let us know how you are doing.
    Kathryn – I can really understand how you are feeling more than you can know – hang in there and I hope your Dad is OK.
    Lola please keep posting your wonderful witisms (sp) they really do brighten the day for so many. You are one tough lady.



    Kathy, so glad that BMB showed improvement. Hope it gives your Dad the impetus to keep going with the vidaza if his Dr’s are advising it. I know I got so tired of all the chemicals going into my body and worrying about the side effects at one point that I just wanted to rest. My Dr. had to say-“you need to do this”. I did and I sure am glad he pushed me a little (more then once)

    Kathy G

    Thanks Suzanne – boy have you been on the drug cocktails or what. Glad they are working for you – keep it up!



    Lola, whew! You said a mouth full. Bet you couldn’t repeat it if you tried.

    Tah, Haven’t heard from you in a while, welcome back.


    B. Greene

    Keep up the fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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