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Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Ibuprofen

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    Does Ibuprofen lower Platelets, I have had a drop the last couple months and have been taking a lot of Ipuprofen for pain.



    I can’t answer your platelet question but I would encourage you to try MSM for your pain. You can take 3000mg a day (one cap./tab 3x’s a day) or more. It’s a natural pain reliever that won’t have the nasty effects that Ibuprofen will. Besides any potential bleeding issues, Ibuprofen is hard on your kidneys. Tylenol is hard on the liver and aspirin on the stomach. So, MSM is really a good bet. Unless you have joint pain don’t worry about the chondrotin stuff. Just plain old MSM. You can get it at a vitamin store.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Jack, I received a list of over the counter and prescription meds. that can cause low platelets from Neil awhile back. I recall that nasaids were on the list, ibuprofen, naproxian and many others. My husband took these for a long time for his Rheumatoid arthritis. He developed ITP (low platelets) as a result. In a short time he was dx with MDS in 03, rcmd jun.05 ,in dec. 05 raeb,and in jan.06 AML. He was prescribed arthritis meds. which worked wonders for the RA. pain and inflamation but gave him serious side effects. He now takes prednisone and oxycodone when needed for pain. Do you have arthritis or is the pain from the CMML ? Neil may still have the list of meds that can lower the platelets. THe copy I have is barely legible . Good luck in finding something for your pain.


    Hi Jack,
    My doc has me use Tylenol (acetiminafin–sp?) only for pain. It has not had any effect on my platelet level. Dont take it very often in any event.
    What was your level before it dropped? Platelet counts tend to vary a bit from CBC to CBC.


    My Platelets went from an ave. 100k to 80k then 72k over two months, I realize that they vary from month to month. Ive had two root canals in the last three months and still have a low grade infection in the gum which causes headaches and pain on the left side of my face up to the eye. I will be seeing a Dr. tomorrow about it. In my casethe platelet drop was suspecious and I wanted to eleminate any causes, I think the Ipbuprofin may be the culprit, I took it mainly to control the inflamation. As always, thanks for the response.


    Hi Jack,
    The root canal/infection could complicate life. I had one a couple months ago and was given ampicillin to ward off infection. Ampicillin is one of the drugs that may impact platelets in some people. My dentist has been giving me this drug over many years when a tooth/gum infection was present or a threat. It never had an effect on my platelet count.
    There was a time when I took an asprin a day to prevent stroke/heart problems. Asprin was the first item to go when I was DX with MDS.
    There may be some impact on your platelet level as a result of the trauma of the infection and maybe the root canal. Our bodies react to various stimuli in various ways.
    Hopefully your plts will go back up when the infection is gone.


    Jack, my hematologist took me off all anti-inflammatories. I was told that platelet count is not lowered, but that the blood clotting effect is lowered by about 10,000 for a week. Since stopping ibuprofen and pletal, my nosebleeds are very much reduced.


    Hi Jack,
    Yes, Ibuprofen can indeed cause platelets to decrease. It can also prolong bleeding time–the time it takes to clot. It can cause severe, prolonged bleeding if taken for long periods of time.

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