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I'm doing better

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    Not that anything much has changed, I am just starting to lift out of the fog. In great part thanks to the supportive words and prayers from all of you. It is a comfort just to know I am not alone in the world of MDS. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
    I took my dad to the psych. doctor today for therapy and I laid it on the line with her that seeing my father once every 3 weeks was NOT enough and that his severe deprssion is preventing him improving his physical well being and it was driving me crazy!!
    After she and my dad met for the hour, they called me in and she and my dad will be meeting every week now. Good enough for me for now.
    I read the other posts from all of you, and I feel like a sister to many of you, even if it is a cyber sister (there is such a common thread on this forum).
    You are all in my prayers.
    “trying not to spin my wheels into the ground”



    If I have learned anything from this horrible experience, it is to live one day at a time and DO NOT look ahead into the future with expectations. Live in the moment that God has given to me. Let Him provide the next moment. I still look ahead, I plan, I dream but I DO NOT expect.



    One day at a time, and judicious, often medicinal use of the Serenity Prayer….

    God, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change
    The courage to change the things I can
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    That and a daily visit to the machines at the gym and I am “almost” sane.

    Sandy L


    You can be proud that you did something positive for your Dad. He is lucky to have you. I hope the more frequent sessions will make a positive difference.


    Yay, Karen that’s great. One small step forward and many more will follow. I read your previous post the other night, but every time I tried to respond, I didn’t know what to say. I admire your strength and I really do hope things get better. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers too.

    take care, jody



    I’m so glad you’re doing better. smile Do you like the doctor you are seeing for your dad’s MDS? If not, would you like me to get two names for you for who my friend’s parents are seeing? Good job for putting your foot down with his doctors. That’s advocating on his behalf and it’s what he needs. It’s just a hard thing to do sometimes.

    I hope things will continue to smooth out as you continue to find the direction you feel like you should go.

    Ah, dysfunctional families. I was the one who asked about siblings. Heck, I got six of them and only one is worthwhile! So I guess you just joined the ranks of the rest of us, for better or worse. smile

    Hang in there and keep smiling. Things will smooth out.


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