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Infection in mouth

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    Sandy L

    Mike had the root canal on Tues. Bleeding was minimal. Infection still not healing and needed to go back on Friday. The dentist had to lance the gum to relieve the pressure. Mike was in agony. Again thankfully no excess bleeding. It still is not any better and he might have to have the tooth puuled.. His hemo doctor wants him to have plts if he gets down to 15. He is very close to that number now. He has been very fatigued after the fith Vidaza shot. How many days before he gets his strength back? He has not been able to work , read or concentrate on anything. Maybe the tooth infection is also adding to this. The dentist said it is very common for the teeth to rot suddenly when on the Vidaza. He is very dry and can’t quench his thirst… andy suggestions? Thanks – as always I remain a grateful list memeber.

    By the way – his sister is not a match. We got that news on the way to the dentist. confused


    Hi Sandy,
    Couple questions:
    Did the dentist remove the plaque in the area of the infection?
    Did the dentist prescribe an antibiotic?
    A side effect of Vidaza is lower WBC. Tough to fight infection with fewer white cells. What does his hemo think about using Neupogen for a while?
    Have not seen any info on rotting teeth as a side effect of Vidaza. Wonder where the dentist got that info?
    Would call Pharmion customer service and ask them for more info on the subject. Also take a look at the Pharmion web site


    Sandy L
    My dentist refuses to even clean my teeth without me taking anti-biotics 1 hr before cleaning.
    My fatigue from VIDAZA usually lasts about about 7-10 days after last VIDAZA shot.

    Sandy L

    Thank you Neil and Jules for responding to my post.
    Mike was on Keflex (given by the Hemo doctor)before we got to the dentist since he had an cyst on the stomach that looked so awful.

    After the root canal the dentist told him to stop the Keflex and gave him clindamycin 150 mg 3x a day. I think it a little stronger but in the same family. Mike is also on vitaming e 3x a day and vitamin K . Is that a mistake? My sister-in-law said that vitamin E is a blood thiiner. I send an urgent message to the nutrionist to see if we should not be taking them. It looks like he will have to have the tooth removed. Still in so much pain.

    Neil – is neupogen like procrit? I asked the hemo on Friday about the procrit shot I thought he was getting that day and he thought it had no benefit when on Vidaza. Any thoughts about that?


    Hi Sandy, Did you notice the side affects for clindamycin? Glen took it for his cellulitis infection and developed a severe case of c-diff. It took a long time to clear up, as a result he lost a lot of weight. He was told to eat yogurt at the time. He ended up taking many medications to clear it up. Vitamin k . helps the blood to clot, and vit.E is a blood thinner, he should check with his Hemo. re: taking them. I really feel for him with that bad tooth. take care,


    Hi Sandy,
    Neupogen boosts white cells.
    Vitamin E has been known to impede platelet growth and/or inhibit platelet function in some MWould check with Mikes hemo on the best antibiotic. Some are not recommended for MDS pts.
    The dentist and hemo should be discussing his situation. Dont want conflicting drugs.


    Heard the same thing on Vitamin E, IT is not in Bob’s regimen, He does take vitamin K, Here is some of the reading I found on this.
    Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting
    Individuals with vitamin K deficiency usually have an increased propensity to bruising and bleeding

    Sandy I Don’t understand the differences of Mike’s Regimen from Tom Mantos, It is so different then BObs.

    John in GR

    Back in March 2005 I had some lesions on various parts of my body including cysts and nasty nasty sores in my mouth. I was placed in the hospital to receive iv antibiotics. It really didn’t help. Eventually I was determined to have Sweet’s Syndrome, an autoimmune thing that is completely unrelated to anything viral or bacterial. It cleared up rather quickly w a round of prednisone. Sweets was diagnosed based on the fact that cultures taken from the sites of the lesions came back negative.

    If antibiotics do not seem to be doing much for you I strongly recommend that you suggest to your doctor the possibility of Sweets and insist that cultures be taken to rule out viral and bacterial causes.

    Since Sweets is rare, it is sometimes not considered. It is, however, somewhat more common in MDS patients than in the general population.


    Sandy L

    I e-mailed Tom and told him what is going on. He said to stop the E and Fish Oil 1 week before surgery. Do not know what to do since he can’t stand the pain anymore and will probably have to have the tooth out. I agree – the advice he is giving us is very different.
    I thank G d every day for this list and for the many mebers that give me so much knowledge.
    zI will print this and bring everyone’s suggestions with me tomorrow.


    Sandy, I never heard of Vidaza causing teeth to rot. I’ll have to check into that. I’ve had so many back teeth come out after I was on extensive chemo because of no saliva to clean the teeth.


    Sandy – Bobs Hemo has him on Levaquin an antibiotic. I know people say you should take them for long periods but at this point We are not stopping them since Bob has been lucky that he has not gotten sick or any bad infections. We do watch out.
    I hope Mike starts feeling better


    Sandy, I am thinking about you guys & keeping you both in my prayers. I hope Mike gets some relief soon.


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