My husband was diagnosed with MDS in October of 2022. Started with the pill form of Chemo after Christmas. We did that for about 8 months. We are now doing the stomach shots chemo and are getting transfusions last one was the end of March, not sure he will be able to get it next week with his counts so low. Last week he got 3 units of platelets(2 on Monday 1 on Friday) and blood on Friday. After those transfusions his results:
WC: 0.4
RBC 2.66
Hemoglobin 8.3
Platelets 15
Unfortunatly my husband is hoping for a miracle, and doesn’t want the bad news from the Dr. So I’m getting no info.
I on the other hand do not want to keep my head in the sand, If you have any advice for me I’d really appreciate it. I don’t know how close the end may be. Last year on July25th we were told 6 months to a year.
I know he wouldn’t want hospice called, but i just don’t know what to expect. I’m scared!!
Thanks for any info or ideas,