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Iron Overload and Hissing Tinnitus/Menieres

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Iron Overload and Hissing Tinnitus/Menieres

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    Hi. I am asking to get some info from anyone who has chronic anemia caused by any bone marrow disease, and has Iron Overload (over 1000 Mg/L), and also has Tinnitus, Menieres, or Hyperacusis.
    I am wondering if there is a relationship between high levels of Iron in the body and these poblems.

    If you dont know what Tinnitus, Menieres, or Hyperacusis are then this is the specific symptom that might put you in that group. Do you hear a sound that seems to derive internally inside your ears that is a high pitched hissing? Imagine a very thick metal pipe that has very high pressure hot water in it. There is a very very small hole in the pipe where this steam shoots out with a very distinctive hiss. If you are not sure you have this, plug your ears to make it quiet and listen for it. You would hear it when you lay down to sleep as well.
    Iron overload causes many problems for the organs in the body. I havent read about IO causing Tinnitus but I happen to have Tinnitus and a high iron level so am wondering if there is a connection. I started getting Tinnitus a 2-3 years before being diagnosed with mds. If you or anyone you know with iron overload has Hissing Tinnitus then I’d like to hear about it.

    No one knows exactly what causes the Hissing form of Tinnitus. But millions of people suffer from it to varying degrees. The level of suffering depends upon the volume of the hissing. Many of us tx-dependent people get a version of Tinnitus called ‘Pulsatile Tinnitus’ when our Hemoglobin counts get low. This is the technical term for what is otherwise described as ‘whooshing tinnitus’. The whooshing corresponds in timing to your heartbeat. The cause of this form of Tinnitus is known. The blood veins near your cochlear become hyper as your heart races to deliver more hemoglobin to your body, which is at a resting state. Your cochlear picks up the sound of the blood rushing through the hyperactive veins. When your hemoglobin gets below 8, or so, the whooshing starts getting annoying, especially when you try to sleep. For this reason, and the increasing fatigue, I usually seek a tx when my hemoglobin drops below 9.

    Thanx for your help.


    Hi Jim,

    I don’t have MDS, my dad does. I have suffered from Meniere’s Disease for the last thirteen years though. I know I don’t have an iron problem. They really have no idea what caused me to be blessed with this wonderful disease. I probably shouldn’t complain because I only have it in one ear, and most of the time I can function okay. Some people have it alot worse than I do. I do know that certain things do trigger it though. I have to watch my diet, especially the salt. I know this has nothing to do with this forum, but it was nice to see that somebody actually heard of this. Most people don’t know what it is. I feel bad for you with the tinnitus as it can be awful. If I don’t have the TV on all night it actually gets so loud that the noise in my head wakes me up. I guess all I can say is that I don’t have an iron problem. Sorry I can’t help.



    My mother had Meniere’s Disease that was essentially cured on a low salt diet and medication. Unfortunately, I do not recall the drug that was prescribed. At present, there may be better drugs but be sure to check out the side effects. My mother’s symptoms were the whooshing sound and vertigo.


    I have all three-Tinnitus, iron overload and AML. My Tinnitus was first on the scene about 12 years ago. Some days it’s louder than others but I don’t think it’s associated with low HGB. I will try and pay attention to that. About the only thing I’m sure of, is that it’s affected by Aspartame and cafine.


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