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Home Demo forums Patient Message Board IRON OVERLOAD

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    Has or are any of you out there expirenced IRON OVERLOAD from getting a lot of TX’s can you describe how you feel if so

    THANKING YOU in advance for your replies
    Ron from MICHIGAN


    I have iron overload. feritan level 2321. I am easily overstressed, very little endurance, usually very tired, still have muscle and joint pain even though I work with a PT twice a week and every other day at home. BMT doc says he is not surprised as most transplant patients eill have iron overload. The docs aren’t too concerned with it, at this time. We have other things to work on first and will eventually get to it. To get more info, I checked out the Iron Overload disorder support forum online. I did not get much but it might be worth checking for yourself



    I have iron overload from so many TX’s. I can’t really tell though. I’ve had my organs checked and everything is okay. My doc is signing me up for the new iron overload pill that’s been approved. I think it’s called “Exjade.” Prob. won’t be able to get on it until January. Dee


    My feritan was up tp 2,000 when I finished treatment and my counts came up enough to not need any more Tx’s. They told me they would not do anything but watch for at least a year-that my body might slowly take care of it on it’s own. The last time it was measures it is slowly going down-still high but down to something like 1700 and they are so far leaving it alone. I had no symptoms that I am aware of. But I also have not had any more tx’s so there is a reasonable chance for it to decrease.


    Dear Phyllis,
    My mom’s ferritin levels have just begun to rise (about 1300) from all the blood transfusions. Our doctor gave her an MRI to determine if the liver is being harmed by excess iron. We don’t have the report yet; however, if my mom needs it, she will start the new Exjade. She doesn’t feel any symptoms from iron overload. She does suffer fatigue from anemia though.
    Best wishes to you,


    Ron and Phyllis

    David has now had 48 txs (3units) and has been chelating since Jan. Ferritin was 5500 with no obvious symptoms. It is now about 4000 but the decrease has been uneven. Other things seem to affect the ferritin reading but he is coping with the process very well. Care needed to have sterile skin. We swab with iodine and mark the injection site with an alcohol swab. That way he has a spot to aim the injection at. A nasty abscess taught us that lesson. All the tubing is covered with a fine transparent film which makes it watertight and it all is reused for 4 or 5 days. We bought a syringe driver to use.

    He has aches and pains from PMR which started 2 yrs ago. The affects of the anaemia are more pronounced now once his hb is less than 9. A recent cold reduced the tx interval to 10 days.
    At first our doc was not concerned but then he said to try the chelation. the oral would be good if it works as well.

    Good luck


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