MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
MDS is a blood cancer
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Home Demo forums Patient Message Board JERSEY GUY

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    Today much of the same. I can’t eat because the sores in my mouth are painfull. My Doctor says that is to be expected and they will go away when my WBC comes back up. Well because its much of the same I don’t have anything else to give you. Hope everyone is having a good day. I am I get a FULL day to watch football and dont have any sunday chores to do…


    Counts are on their way back up thank god. I still can’t drink or eat anything but that should change when my white count comes back up enough to fight off the mouth sores. I will be so happy to just be able to drink a glass of water without choking. There isn’t much more for me to say since so I will let you know of any progress. Hope everyone has a good day.


    Glad to hear your counts are going up! I recall as a kid having chicken pox in my mouth, miserable. Enjoy your water, it will come soon with your rising counts.



    Hope and pray that things are progressing on a positive note. The mouth sores will get better, but I remember when Mike got them from chemo he could barely talk let alone eat. Take this time to catch up on your rest plus NFL Sunday is around the corner again….another day without a honey do list. ENJOY and let us know how your counts are coming along.



    Wondering if there have been any new posts from JERSEY GUY? I have been away from the forum for a couple of weeks because of multiple ER visits with my mom and bringing her to assisted living under Hospice.

    I hope and pray that things are still going well with Bob after his transplant. If someone could fill me in or better yet, hear from Bob.

Viewing 5 posts - 46 through 50 (of 50 total)

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