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Jim has a blood clot on his arm

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Jim has a blood clot on his arm

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    Jim woke up this morning with a blood clot on his arm. He went to same day care and they want him to take an ultra sound this afternoon. We thought we were more or less home and free for away but now this happen out of the blue.

    We are not seeing the Onc. until the 30th of this month and she wants him to start Vidaza again only less then he had the first time.

    Is there anyone on this webb site that has the same problem? I sure would like to know.




    Hi Fran,

    Sorry to hear about Jim’s blood clot…do you have the results yet from the ultrasound?

    Here is an excellent’s 11 pages but an easy interesting read:

    Let us know how Jim is doing when you get a chance.

    Take care,



    Hi Jody:

    Thanks for the information. The ultra sound proved that he had a blood clod and they told him to do to ER right away. I took him to the ER in Del Webb Hospita and they are keeping him there until they can regulate his blood. I think he will be there for a few days.

    This who thing with Jim has been a nightmare for me. We have only been married for 12 years. Jim retired 2 years ago and then this started with the MDS. It is not getting any better and I just don’t have my children for support. It is so hard on me being 72 years old to do all this alone.

    I guess that God just gives you what he knows you can do. I just had another operation on my pacemaker since one of the leads fell out. I had the pacemaker put in over a year ago. Since I belong to a HMO they only test the pacemaker once a year and that is when they found out that the lead to the upper part of my heart left. Anyway I feel a lot better now but the weather being so hot here hasent helped at all.

    G=bless all of you.



    Jody, Thanks for posting the DVT site. I learned something new, did not know that DVT formed in other areas than the legs. Very interesting and good to know.


    Jim went to the hospital on Tuesday because of a blood clot in his arm. I picked him up last night and he has to inject some Lovenox in his stomach 2 times a day for 5 days. Thank G-d I talked him into getting prescription drug insurance. This drug cost out of pocket 60.00. He has Humana if not the drug would cost 400.00 for a 5 day supply.

    Tomorrow he has an appointmnet at the Coumadin lab. They will try to regulate the Coumadin to thin his blood.

    If it is not one thing it is another.

    Just want to know if any of you experienced what my husband is going through.

    Bless you all and please pray for Jim



    Hi Fran, Yes Glen had blood clots in his leg DVT.The first time he couldn’t take blood thinners because his platelets were too low. He had to sit and lay with his legs elevated all of the time. Eventually they disolved on their own. They came back 4 mo. later, at that time he was hosp. for 5 days. His platelets had come up so they started him on lovenox and coumadin. It took more than a month for the clots to disolve that time.He remained on the coumadin for 6 months.He has been off the coumadin for 3 mo. now, so far so good, no more clots for now. There is a diet that goes along with the coumadin, certain foods and vit. are conducive to making clots. I’m sure they will give him a list of foods to cut down or avoid, mainly those that thin the blood too much. Make sure he folows their instructions. You are right there’s something new popping up all the time. Take care ” you can do it”.


    Hi Elle and glen:

    I am sure glad that Jim didn’t have the blood clots in his legs. That is much more danger then in his arm. His arm is still swallon and he stills takes the lovenox but he starts the coumadin tomorrow. I think they gave him coumadin in the hospital also.

    I guess, his blood test were ok butecause the Nurse didn’t say that they were high.

    He seems to feel pretty good today and last night he slept the best in a long time. You can’t sleep in the hospital for sure.

    We will know more tomorrow after he goes to the coumadin clinic.

    The doctor he saw in the hospital said that he could eat all the same foods that he has been eating but not to start any new kind of foods.

    The next step is to see his Oncologist on the 28th and then who knows if she will start him on Vidaza again or not.



    The trick with Coumadin is to avoid green leafy vegetables. They contain Vitamin K which thins the blood. My doc told me to let him know if I go on a salad kick or anything like that to let him know and they would adjust as necessary. I have had more clots than I can count. I’ve been on coumadin since 1990 and will have to do so forever. For some reason, if I get off of it, I get a clot. Mine is a rare case and not the norm. I had a clot in the arm once and it was very painful but went away quickly with treatment.

    Here is another post on this site about them as well.;f=1;t=003332#000000

    I hope he gets better soon….



    Fran, I am thinking about you and Jim and praying for both of you.


    Jim went to the Coumadin clinic this morning and the Nurse said that he has to have a green vegtable every day while he is on Coumadin. If he normally eats salads every day then that is OK. If he skips the salad for a day then he has to have a green veg. He has to have a blood test next Monday and then go to the clinic after that.

    He will see the Oncologist on the 28th of this month and she will check his blood test and see if he should start Vidaza again in July. So far he has only had 1- 7 days a week of Vidaza.

    I see the Cardiologist on the 7th of July to check the nlead that he put in on the 5th of June. I still have a problem with breathing when I do any exercise, like ride the bike in the gym.

    Between Jim and I, things just seem to get worst.
    Hope they start to get better soon. We have no family or friends where we live and that makes it even worst as far as support.



    sorry about the dates. The heart doc for me is on the 7th of July, not June. That is to check the lead he put into my heart muscle. It will be 5 weeks since he put the lead in.



    Fran What we were told was to maintain a consistent level of greens. Too much (vitamin K) will thicken the blood. They want to keep his INR at a therapeutic level and the dose of coumadin may change with how is INR level is. For my wife her INR was to be between 2.0 and 3.0.
    She had a blood clot approx 2 1/2 months after her PSCT. They had put her on a combi patch for menopause symptoms. The Effexor she was taking would possibly react with the current meds. After 3 months she tested clear. You will be able to find the right amount of greens to eat fairly quickly. Good luck to your husband.

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