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Jim's Hospital state on September 27

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Jim's Hospital state on September 27

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    When Jim woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that he thought he was having a heart attact on the 27th of September 06. He thought it was nothing and so did I. After taking him to ER and he was in pain. They gave him lots of pain meds but nothing seemed to help.

    Jim saw his Primary care doc. yesterday and he went through his stress test ecocardiogram etc. He told Jim that he had 2 heart attacts. The Cariologist released him from the hospital and made an appoitment for 3 weeks later to go through his test. We idn’t want to wait that long, so we have an appointment for tomorrow.

    The problem is that I don’t think they can do anything except meds for his heart. He had triple by-pass surgery 2 years ago and at that time the Cardiologist said nothing else could be done for his heart.

    Having Cancer, does anyone know or have been through this before? Please let me know how to handle this>

    Thank you all for being so patient with me.

    I am not well myself and this has been really hard on me.

    I need knee replacements as well as having a problems with my leads in my pacemaker.



    I went in for a triple Bypass when they found the MDS ….. they say that I will have the triple bypass in 3 months after they get my Platlets up ….right now they are down at 25 …mike


    Fran, Can’t answer your question but I can pray.
    May God comfort and keep you and bring Jim through his ordeal.


    To my Friends and Support Group:

    Just received your message and i want to say thanks for thinking of us.

    Yes, I have 3 grown children and Jim has 2 grown children.

    Sorry to say but they show no interest in are illness. So, we get NO surpport from any of them.

    Jim finished his 5th round of Vidaza and he will be seeing the Onc. for a BMB on the 19th of this month.

    We are both on Coumadin. I will be having Catarac surgery on the 2nd of September and I will see the doc that put in the new pacemaker on the 7th of September.

    My grandchildren are grown and I don’t see much of them either. The oldest granddaughter is going to be 20. She is in college and lives in a dorm. I try to e-mail her but she doesn’t seem to answer. Jim has tried to reach his daughter but she doesn’t answer either.

    We have very few friends that live near us and no one we can count on for support.


    PS: Jim turned 74 and I am 71.


    Hello to my wonderful friends in this Forum:

    Jim had his BMB on Thursday, the 19th of October. He will see the Oncologist on the 31st of October for the results. I am holding my breath in hope for a good report.

    We are taking one day at a time.

    My daughters wanted us to come to there house for Thanksgiving but we can’t get tickets to fly there. First of all it cost 400.00 just for the flight and there is nothing open now. They are booked for all of the hoilidays. you would think it would be cheaper to go from Phoenix to Sacramento but it isn’t. Anyway we will have Thanksgiving dinner at a Resturant with some friends. No plans for Christmas.

    I am having a knee problem. So, I am changing from a HMO to Medicare plus AARP. It will be costly but in the long run I hope to have a knee replacement next year if Jim is feeling OK.

    Please Pray for us and hope that Jim’s BMB is good and we can relax for a few months at least.





    I’m sorry that you and Jim have to deal with all of this practically by yourselves. Yes, I will keep praying for you…..and for your children and grandchildren as well. Sometimes people need a ‘nudge’ when they become too ‘busy’ for what matters the most….FAMILY.




    You are never alone in your fights. We are all there for you with prayers and well wishes.

    Amen to what Caroline wrote. Unfortunately, young people today are having difficulty in identifying priorities in life. With economic pressures, it seems that jobs and things have taken way too high of a position in importance.

    Have you tried seeking out local support groups or talked to your minister about your situations? Sometimes help is closer than you think.

    Have a good day, and try to remember “One Day at a Time.”

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