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    I just returned from a visit to Univ of Mass consulting with Dr, Raza in hopes of entering one of her studies. During the consult she indicated that she is very much in favor of juicing. What is a good juicer to buy and what foods are recommended?


    Is the Jack LaLanne juicer OK?


    Chuck, I bought a juicer last week, Jack LaLanne model at CostCo. I have to admit I’m not thrilled having to clean it every day but my husband says the juice is good. I have been using fresh pineapple and I have also thrown in kiwi fruit with it. Since he will be starting cycle #3 of dacogen next week, I will hold off on the trying of blueberries. Dottie



    If your going to do any amount of juicing (like daily or every other) you need a GOOD juicer that can withstand the wear. Mom uses a champion juicer. It is a commercial one and costs about $240. Did she indicate what she’d like to see you juice? If not, I’d be happy to share some easy stuff with you. Juicing can be tiring but I’m telling you, it will add life to your body and feed your healthy cells to keep them stronger.

    I’m excited you found a doctor who sees value in the natural stuff! smile



    I have used a champion Juicer and been very please with it, the pulp comes out very dry so you get more juice. It is also easy to clean.


    I’ve used two juicers….I started with the Champion that a friend lent me. I then purchased an Omega 8002 recently. I prefer the Omega. It’s lighter, quieter and is cooler which protects the “good” stuff in the juice. Pulp is very dry and it’s easy to clean.

    A couple of cautions…..Juicing fruits adds lots of sugar into your system very quickly. Even carrots and beets. So be careful not over do it on fruits and root vegetables. Start off slowly. One small glass with a meal.

    I try to do “things that grow above the ground”. Mostly vegetables or very sour apples, or berries. My favorite to have with a meal is tomatoe, carrot, romaine lettuce, celery and parsley.




    As a daily liver cleanse you can juice 1 med. beet (cleaned), 1 cucumber (no peel), 1 lemon (with peel). Juice, add 1 tbls olive oil, mix and drink. This is what’s considered a “standard” liver cleanse. If you’re doing any medicine at all it’s a good way to keep your liver healthy while it’s filtering out junk from your body. Mom enjoys it and says it tastes good. Do observe Marlene’s cautions regarding the sugar content. Also, do your very best to use only organic fruits and veggies. Don’t need to add any more chemicals to your body then necessary.

    As a side note, some people get concerned with the beets being full of iron if they are tx dependent. Organic iron (as in beets) does not stay in the body like inorganic iron does. You should have no issue with adding beets to your diet unless you’re allergic to them in general.

    Happy juicing. I think you’ll enjoy it. smile



    Dear Chuck,

    We started with the Jack LaLanne. It is a centrifugal juicer, which some people say is not optimum for preserving the raw/live quality of juices. I think the problem has something to do with the oxidation effect created by the centrifuge. I noticed, for example, that juice made in the LaLanne went “bad” very quickly. It started to turn brown and taste different within an hour or so. In contrast, the juices I make with the Omega will last for several hours on the counter (though it’s not best to leave them for so long).

    Still, the juice you make with the LaLanne is far nutritionally superior to whatever you can buy in the store. This has to do with the fact that you can drink it right after you make it, which you can’t do with store bought juice. Your body and taste buds will notice the difference immediately.

    The Champion, the Omega, and Green Power are all trituterators. They operate not on a centrifuge, but with a large auger that turns slowly and breaks down the vegetable into pulp as it extracts juice. The slow speed means less heat is generated, which is better for preserving the raw/live nature of the food that is being processed.

    We also have the Omega juicer, 8003 model. We purchased it at, I believe was the website. $205 shipped–it came in two days, from Phoenix, AZ.

    I also prefer it to the Champion. It is much lighter, and much easier to clean. And the pulp is dry that comes out. A bit drier than the pulp from the Champion, I think.

    A great juice to start with is four organic carrots and one organic apple. Leave all skins intact, just wash well with distilled water, or water without chlorine and fluoride if you can, as the final rinse. When putting the fruit/veggies in the juicer, it’s good to mix what goes in, because the malic acid in the apple mixes with the carrot and causes more phytochemicals to be released from the carrots. Try to drink the juice within half an hour of making, for most phytochemical effect.

    Also, this juice will break down toxins in the body, so if the liver’s detoxing functions are slowed down or stopped up, one needs to start with small amounts of juice (perhaps 3-4 ozs. at first, one or two times a day). Regardless, you may start experiencing healing effects from the juice, which can include a headache (from toxins building up in the blood stream and not being excreted quickly enough) and, over time, increased bowel activity (a good thing). For headache, I took peppermint tea. The headache subsided once the toxins in my bloodstream had left the body.

    Over time, daily ingestion of carrot/apple, green, and other juices will help strengthen the immune system, and one should start experiencing “healing reactions,” which can include (among other things) fever, respiratory secretions, and aches/pains. The healing reactions are a sign that the immune system is trying to get strong and fight back against the bad cells in the body. The best thing to do get over a healing reaction is to try to help the body detox more quickly–sweat bath, Essiac capsules, coffee enema.




    sorry, I meant to write “triturator” if you want to look it up.


    Hi Chuck:

    I have a Champion and a Green Star. The Green Star makes better quality juice (supposedly) as far as preserving enzymes, but I found the Champion easier to clean. The Champion is a triturator, which to my understanding, is middle-of-the-road as far a quality in preserving nutritional value of your fruits and veggies. My Green Star is a twin-gear, which is supposed to be pretty good in preserving nutrition. As Christine mentioned, among juicing advocates, centrifugal juicers are not recommended. As far as I know, the Norwalk Juicer is along the top of the line for juicers as that presses out the juices, supposedly creating the least amount of heat to destroy enzymes. But it’s not cheap. For a more detailed explanation of the different types of juicers and the quality of juice extracted, you may like to check out this link

    As far as what to juice, I started out juicing lots and lots of carrots, but later started adding more green veggies, until most of my juices were switched over to green stuffs like romain lettuce, celery, cucumber, and some parsley. For flavor I would throw in a carrot or two and very occasionally an apple in place of the carrot. For added nutritional kick and flavor, I would add some raw organic whole cream for the fats necessary to properly assimilate any fat soluble vitamins in the juice. Then I would drink it immediately after juicing. I didn’t let it sit around.

    If you do plan on storing juice, I do recommend reading the above link. Since I was heavily into juicing at the beginning of my diagnosis, I did bottle a lot of juice for the days I had to leave the house. I used those ball canning jars, and only made enough for one day, which I took along in a portable cooler. I know of some people who juice enough for a couple days. But because I was not in “maintaince” mode, but rather in full gear towards healing, I tried to only drink my juices as fresh as possible. If I had to store juice, it was for no more than one day.

    Hope this helps. Take care, and good luck to you.


    P.S. I also second Patti’s suggestion of using only organic. With our blood conditions, I think it important to minimize as much as possible any articifical chemicals which would tax our bodies further.


    I forgot to add this other link If you scroll down a bit, you can see the recommendations according to Vinny Pinto. He moderated one of the raw foods forum I used to read years ago when I was trying to figure out what to do to heal my aplastic. His recommendations along with several others helped me to refine my eating and juicing habits which I feel helped to accelerate my progress. I think it’s very important to tailor your program to your particular needs. So always have that in mind when choosing what you will use for yourself.

    Take care,



    Here I am eating my little cup of Mung beans as I type.
    We found a wonderful Asian market in our neighborhood and the manager was so helpful.

    The beans are good….a little like lentils which I like very much. I can think of all kinds of ways to prepare them…especially with my pasta sauce.
    We ended up buying a lot of things, including fresh jujubes…haha.

    Oh…I just ordered an Omega 8005 juicer a little while ago. I love all kinds of veggies. The beet juice concoction sounds great!
    My only concern is keeping the machine clean…I don’t like cleaning.

    Four months into the Revlimid, my Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and RBC are almost in the normal range.
    But I want to get my white count and platelets up.
    My daughter will be getting a new frig so the “old one” will go into the garage which I will fill with good organic veggies.

    Thanks everyone.




    Eat up! smile Dr. Kou said platelets are the hardest blood line to fix and take many years so stock up on them beans! smile Mom likes them too.

    Glad to hear you’re taking care of your body. It will treat you well for that.



    Thanks all for your responses. My lowest counts are WBC and platelets. Whats good for them??

    Has anyone tried the Lequipe 110.5 juicer. I see lots of positive ratings on it and it is smaller than some but still with a lot of power (or so people say.


    Ah, I meant the Green Star, not Green Power. Couldn’t remember the exact name.

    I think the Lequip is a centrifugal juicer as well, which are not favored among the different juicers if what you seek is to retain as much as possible the live enzymes and raw, natural quality of the juice extracted from the fruits and vegetables.

    Also, the triturators (like the Omega, Champion, and I think, the Green Star is a one as well??) are quieter than centrifugal juicers because they run at a much slower speed. My LaLanne was quite loud, as I recall. The Omega just purrs quietly, and everyone can hear themselves think while I am juicing, which is nice.

    The Norwalk is probably the best juicer, for health reasons, on the market. It has a grinding mechanism and an electronically operated press. You use it by feeding food into the grinder which munches it up and dumps it into a little cheesecloth bag. Then you take the bag and stick it into the press and the two plates come together, squeezing so much juice out the pulp, perhaps 30-50% more than what you could get from any other juicer.

    It retails around $2500, but you can find them used for much less. The reason it creates such a powerful, nutrient dense, medicinal-quality juice is because the primary juicing action is the squeezing of the pulp created by the grinder.

    The quality of the juice created by the Norwalk is much thicker and richer than what comes out of the centrifugals and trituerators, in my experience. Thus, one can only drink very small amounts of this juice, in comparison to what one can tolerate with another kind of juicer.

    It is a true healing juicer, for the serious detoxifier. The juice it creates is powerful medicine for the body. Someone with chronic illness who wants to use this juicer would do very well to read up on it and understand the effect of juicing on the body and the need to combine it with liver-helping detox mechanisms to avoid toxic build-up in the body.

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