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Lingering Illness

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    I don’t even know if this is MDS related. About a week and a half ago I had a cold for a couple of days, then right on the heels of it I had some coughing (not overly excessive), and fever which would spike to 102-103 at night, though the other cold symptoms were gone.

    Back in February I had a similar situation. I ended up taking Augmentin which cleared it up.

    So now, I have been on Augmentin again for over 3 days. I would think I would be feeling significantly better. However, I feel winded, tired, and my fever still goes up at night, though only to about 101. My hgb is an awesome 11.5. Other cbc counts looked normal, except my moncytes were up to 12. I have been sick for a week and a half now, I mean I am getting nothing done. Antibiotics usually work in 24-48 hours (at least I start feeling better, though I always finish the pills).

    I guess more than anything I am just venting. My senior mom came over to mow my grass! I am sick of this.




    when did you see the doctor – if your fever is still there (anything over 100.3) you should be seen – things can go haywire quickly with an mds patient

    good luck


    My friend that is a doctor said that when someone has a cold or an infection it can elevate the monocytes.
    I hope you feel better. Just try to take it one day at a time .



    Last night the fever only hit 100, and twice it was normal. The only reason I checked it was because I woke up sweating. I still feel terrible though. Pain that radiates across my lower chest, and a tender kidney (maybe another kidney stone?, although I didn’t get sick like this last time). Nauseaus, but not throwing up, no appetite to speak of. I have to force myself to eat anything. Saw my CNP on Tuesday, labs were done the previous Friday (today is Saturday).

    Yeah, I kind of figured the monocytes were from whatever the infection is, although usually my neutrophils go up too. Maybe it is the type of infection.

    Thanks for letting me vent. My girls have enough to deal with my being sick, they don’t need to hear me complain too.



    hang in there. Let the family help where they can. they’ll feel better if they do it.

    my wife is running an infection similar to yours with fevers to 102 & big-time sweating. antibiotics were not really doing anything & she also had augmentin which did zip. she had a procedure yesterday where a probe was snaked down her nose into her lung which x-ray & cat scan tests showed there was fluid. she was constantly coughing. with the probe in her lung, they were able to shake the fluid loose, take a sample, and then hopefully find a more certain remedy for the infection. I hope so as she is going on a week in the hospital.

    I find that venting helps. use family, friends, etc., just don’t give up!



    I will pray for your wife. Went to Urgent Care today and was diagnosed with astmatic bronchitis. She added an Albuterol inhaler (what a God send, just that alone helped with the breathing so much) and steroids for 6 days. I actually ate dinner, though any effort still tires me.

    You hang in there too. Let us know what you find out from the probe culture.



    everything is negative or what they call “unremarkable”. still spiking fevers to 102. yesterday was a bad day as the fevers take everything out of her; no appetite, I did manage to get her to eat a chocolate croissant, her favorite.

    deb m

    when my dad was struggling with MDS, he would get idiopathic fevers every night. his BMT doc told him to try Prozac or something similar. he did and it worked. he stopped having fevers every night. worth looking into for fevers that are not caused by an infection or are idiopathic.


    turns out fevers she was spiking to over 102 were caused by tumors (blasts) getting into the peripheral blood. previously, all blasts were confined to the marrow. the little @!?>(( blasts had gotten into her lungs causing to cough a lot. after they removed all doubt of infection, it was the only source left. A dose of hydroxyurea seem to wipe out most of them. she’s completed a round of mylotarg which we hope will keep the blasts in the marrow at bay until the facility she is currently at are approved to perform Cord transplants which hopefully will be soon. she is currently at home convalescing.

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