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Low Hemoglobin?

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Low Hemoglobin?

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  • #19615

    Dear Friends,
    I noticed something really interesting about my father and his low hgb counts.

    Just a lil background – my father receives approx. 1-2 units of blood every two weeks. Actually, it’s been 2 units every 2 weeks these days. But I noticed that whenever he engages in more strenuous physical activities (at least for him), he is in more of a need of a blood transfusion. When he is more well resteda and just spends his days at home sleeping and watching tv, the need for blood transfusions are less.

    This is only my own observation and I thought if anyone else noticed something similiar? I don’t konw if I’m fooling myself by wanting to believe in this crazy theory, as my dad’s need for transfusions has been more frequent.

    I brought it up to our hematologist and asked him if there is a correlation and he said he’s never heard of this and will note this in case another patient has a simliar case.

    Any thoughts??


    For what it’s worth, I have a similar theory. My theory is that rbc’s are more easily produced when we sleep, and that when the body works hard to produce rbc’s it makes me tired because the energy is going to the bone marrow. I figure that when we are sick, our bodies desire sleep so they can heal. Why wouldn’t the same principle hold?

    I base this on the fact that more than once I have noticed that I have a spell of feeling really exhausted, and my next lab will show an increase of hgb.

    I figure most medical professionals would laugh, but I have seen the pattern enough in my life to think it has some credibility, at least for me.

    I think it is great his hematologist made note of it instead of totally discounting the idea.



    Wow Zoe, that’s incredible! I live with my parents and I am aware of all of my father’s activities. During the months of March – June, I didn’t work so I was with him 24/7. We woke up at the same time, we ate meals together, and I kept on eye on him at all times. Now that I work full-time, it’s harder for me to keep tabs on my father at all times. But I do live with him, so I see him in the mornings and nights. I also ask him what he does in the day, (i.e., if he walks around the block) and he always fills me in on his activities (or should i say non-activities). But I’m glad to know that someone else has noticed this.

    I tried googling the relationship between physical activities and low hgb yesterday but unfortunately, after going through hundreds of threads, I grew tired and gave up.

    Thanks for sharing!

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