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Low risk patient on HMA

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Low risk patient on HMA

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  • #56836
    Joe Catalano

    1-Is there anybody who was diagnosed as a low risk MDS who was placed on HMA although usually prescribed for high risk. 2- Is there anyone who was placed on HMAs and had it prove Helpful for greater than 15 months

    Amy S.

    I am on HMA treatment (Vidaza). I am not sure if I am low risk or not although my initial blood counts a bit higher than some other postings. I have been under treatment for almost 2 years and it was effective to get me normal numbers. There are other postings in this forum about on HMA treatment for over 5 years.


    My husband is low risk MDS and was put on Vadaza he has done 4 rounds with unfortunately no success,Moffatt suggested going on Reblozyl and his first treatment was today.hopefully this will boost his HMG, he is transfusion dependent. He does not have Ring Sideroblasts and I read that Reblozyl works best If that is present.

    Joe Catalano

    Thank you for that info

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