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Luke is in Crisis

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Luke is in Crisis

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    Luke is back in hospital. He’s in crisis – his spleen is enlarged, plateltes were 17. He was vomiting non stop and dehydrated on admission. Vomiting settled some time yesterday, and they started a trensfusion. Right now he’s in intense chest pain. Thought is was his heart, but not showing anything on any heart monitors. I’m wondering if it is his spleen reacting to the transfusion, but that’s my wild guess.

    He’s on morphine (not working very well) and they are running one test after the other trying to figure it out. I left him at 2:30 a.m. and am headed back in now.

    Please pray for us – this is a pretty scarey time for us both.


    Margaret, our prayers are with you. I hope Luke sees some improvement soon.



    Sending positive thoughts and prayers….hoping Luke is feeling better soon. Keep us posted when you get a chance.

    ((Hugs)) Jody



    Thinking and praying for you and Luke. Hope this passes soon. We care.




    You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith.




    Thinking about both of you. Hang in there.



    Luke and Margaret,

    I will keep thinking about you and praying for you.



    Margaret please know that you and Luke are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Ellie & Glen


    you are both in my thoughts and prayers – hope the tx they are giving him is a slow drip so as not to shock the body



    I am hoping and praying that Luke will have major improvementand you will have a chance for relief, too.



    I too am sending my prayers to you and Luke. I hope they find out what is happening and can do something to relieve his pain.
    God Bless, Marsha


    Margaret, you and Luke are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless, Nicole


    Margaret, all positive thoughts for you and Luke. I really hope he is feeling better soon.

    many, many hugs,


    Update – Eve, you were right on the money. They ran a fast drip, way too fast. Gave fluid to resolve failing kidneys without consulting a cardiologist. The result was that his poor heart could not keep up, and was unable to pump away all of the extra fluid. He had a major episode last night, and this morning tests revealed fluid around the heart and lungs. We don’t know exactly how much damage was done, but enough.

    The oncologist phoned me this morning to let me know we;re in the last phase now. No treatment of any sort is possible because of the heart issue. I also spoke with his cardiologist, who is very upset. No one called him. If they had, this might not have happened.

    We’re planning to bring him home with a full palliative care plan. We have a meeting with the oncologist, the social worker, and Luke to let him know what is happening. However, he knows in his heart of hearts what happened, and what it means.

    He’s experiencing a lot of anxiety right now and that isn’t heling anything. He’s continued with the morphine today, mainly to allow him to breathe better and get some rest. Tomorrow I start helping him to find a way to cope, to find hope for improvement and more good days, and to assure him that he’ll be comfortable and well cared for at home. A good antianxyllic would probably be a good idea right about now, and I’ll ask about that too.

    I’m exhausted, have had a few good cries today. There have been so many small errors in this whole fiasco, and they all added up too quickly. I try to remember that his case was incredibly complicated, that it was all too easy for errors to occur, and that people tried their best within the time and resources they had available.

    I know how hard it is – when they were giving the IVs I kept looking at the pole thinking “how is this going to affect his heart”. I may even have mentioned the fluid restrictions problem, But it was late at night after a long haul, I was tired, and I didn’t puzzle it out well enough. I thought “call the cardiologist” but I didn’t say so. So they are no more to blame than I am. We were all working under difficult circumstances.

    So…. the final stage of this has begun, and we will do the very best we can to make this stage work well for Luke as long as we possibly can. I am still not adverse to a miracle, if anyone upstairs is listening?

    Thank you for your prayers. We continue to be very much in need of them.


    My love, prayers, and thoughts are with you and Luke tonight and every night. God bless you always and give you comfort and hope.
    I am sorry for all you are going through.

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