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Home Demo forums Patient Message Board MDS/Arthritis

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    Hello and hope you are having a good day. At this point in my mom’s life her arthritis is worse than the MDS. I would appreciate a response from someone who is suffering from both diseases and which pain relievers or therapies might help the arthritis. Also, she lives in northern NJ and we are thinking about changing her hematologist, any suggestions? Thanks so much for your concern. Chem



    My Dad has CMML, kidney disease and severe arthritis. He has been told by all of his doctors that the only pain reliever he should take is Tylenol withOUT Codiene. Dad is to take 2 in the am, 2 in the pm, and 2 before bed for pain management. He is allowed to take 2 more if he feels that he really needs to but so far he has not felt the need. He seems more comfortable since he started.



    Chem, Your Mom should ask her primary care Dr. for a referral to a rheumatologist. Her treatment would depend on the type of arthritis that she may have. My husband had rheumatoid arthritis, which is very painfull. RA is an autoimmune disease and is associated with MDS and cancer.Some of the NSAIDS and other meds are associated with thrombocytopenia & leukemia as well. This is why it’s so important to have a specialist diagnose and do the prescribing. There are some wonderfull meds out there, but none without some side affects. Like your mom the RA was the most painfull part of his illness. There are some very good web sites to research.
    I will give you the names of the meds that he was treated with and the side affects, if you are interested. Best if she would go to a specialist though. It can be a long process of trial and error. I hope that your Mom will get some relief. Take care, Ellie


    Good recommendations. I have RA and several years ago my rheumatologist placed me on a low dose of Methotrexate for the RA that suppressed my bone marrow.

    It is a good thing my hematologist was following my treatment and I was taken off before too much damage was done. Unfortunately I was also on Procrit at the time and tx free for 7 months but I had to return to blood transfusions and give up the Procrit after the Methotrexate experience.


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