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My Dad

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    I know that he is taking Ativan for his nauseau. He actually kept down his cheerios yesterday morning and some Ensure. I don’t think he’s on an appetite stimulant, but I will ask when I go up on Saturday. He was a little bit better yesteday. His counts are staying up a little on their own, so that’s a good thing. He’s always had such a positive attitude, and it sucks to see him so down. He feels like he will never feel better again. I know he will, it’s just a matter of time. Thanks for your help.


    Alice S


    There are a lot of us out here who are praying for your father. Remind him that every small step forward that one person makes, on this forum in their fight against this condition, feels like a leap for the rest of us!

    Take care, thinking about both of you and watching out for your news.




    I’m glad your father is eating a bit and that his counts are staying up. Those are two big positives.

    I wonder if it’s possible that one or more of the medications that he’s on could be contributing to his low mood. I think I recall others here saying that they experienced Ativan causing depression and sedation.

    I checked my notes — Reglan and Zofran were two anti-nausea meds that my father had good luck with. Everyone responds differently though.

    His appetite stimulant was called Megace. It took about three days to kick in. He was on it twice, and it worked great both times.

    I’m praying for you and your father. Keep us posted, as you can.



    Thank you to everybody that has responded and have been so kind to me. I will mention the medications you listed, Nicole. My dad had a good day yesterday. He kept down his cheerios, had tea, and also Ensure. He did need neupogen as his counts still drop after a few days without it. Today is day +22. He felt good enough last night to lecture me on my finances, and that’s a good sign for him. He was very clearheaded. I will keep everybody posted. Thanks again.



    My dad was discharged this afternoon. He got home and started running a fever. He is on his way back now. I hope it’s nothing serious.


    I’m sorry that he’s going through this, Katie. I’m praying for both of you.




    I hope that your Dad’s condition is improving.



    My dad is still in the hospital. He ran a fever two nights in a row. They don’t know why and it’s not a very high fever. they are doing all sorts of tests which will hopefully tell something. He says he will be there at least until Saturday. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

    Russ P.

    Dear Katiebear,
    Prayers and positive hopes for your father.


    Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts. My dad is still in the hospital running a fever. It is not constant, it comes and goes. His doctors are playing around with the antibiotics trying to get the fever to go away. He has had every kind of test known and they still can’t pinpoint why. The doctors also said that this is very common in transplant patients. Sometimes they never find the origin. He also has a rash on his face which started yesterday morning when I got there and got worse as I visited into the evening. I also noticed his nail beds and the tips of some of his fingers are yellow. Not just kinda yellow, but yellow almost like a crayon. Of course I noticed this after the doctors made rounds. I questioned the nurse who doesn’t think it’s jaundice but maybe from smoking. That seems assanine to me as he hasn’t smoked in 25 years. That’s it for now. Thanks everybody for their kindness.



    Hi Katie,

    I was just thinking about you and your dad. How is he doing?



    Hi Nicole,

    My dad is starting to feel down. He’s still in the hospital since being readmitted last Monday. He runs a fever every day. Not all day, but it’s still there. The transplant team came around yesterday and they told him they are baffled. They cannot find the source of his fever. He’s not eating enough either. He is drinking milk and ensure, but hardly anything solid. He is on Cipro, and another medicine for retinitis. He has no symptoms of retinitis, he says it’s precautionary. Last Sunday they informed us that one of his tests came back positive for CMV. Only traces though, so they wanted to rerun it. I have asked my dad every day if it came back positive again, and he doesn’t know. I know that virus can cause retinitis, but he’s not on the anibiotic that is normally given for it. He is beginning to think he might not ever get out of the hospital, and that worries me. Please keep praying, and thank you for thinking about us.



    Hi Katie,

    I’m sorry to hear that they haven’t been able to find the source of your father’s fevers. And with his doctors admitting that they’re baffled, it’s no wonder that he’s feeling discouraged. I’ll definitely keep praying. I hope that whatever is going on will “show iteslf” so the doctors will know how to treat it appropriately.

    Do you know if his nails are still yellow? If that’s something new, that sure sounded to me like it could be an idicator for the doctors of where to look for the source of the fevers.



    My dad was discharged yesterday morning. His thirty day BMB shows no evidence of disease. We are very happy. Thanks for all your support.



    been following your “journey” for a while. so glad to hear about his discharge & that his fever is gone. 30 days post-tx with no evidence of disease is great to hear. i’ll bet he’s glad to be home. i wish him the best of luck.

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