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natural remidies

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    Patti and crew , Try to get this months Cure Mag (It is usually in the waiting rooms and you can get it sent to you free if you are envolved with a cancer) if you have not already., It has an article on natural cures and one of the directions it goes in is that many of our drugs are derived originally from substances they find in nature following up on natural cures and old tales etc. Samples are taken to the lab to find the chemical that was helpful with a disease. Some then go on to be made synthetically some the continue to extract from the natural product. One mentioned is Bryostatin (derieved from a type of sea moss) a drug that I tried in a trial when I was first diagnosed. Taxol came from a Pacific yew tree bark and needles, Mylotarg from a rock a scientist picked up thinking it might have a fungi or bacterial -and it did. Ara C used in induction chemo for AML was developed from research starting with a sea sponge. Interesting stuff!


    Suzanne, Thank you for the information about Cure magazine. I was able to get the article (and magazine) on the web. In the address space type in
    Next click on current issue. Click on Surf and Turf for the article.
    You can click on Free Subscription to get the magazine delivered free to your home. Just fill out the form and either fax it or mail it to the magazine. All the best, Bety


    Thanks for the info Suzanne. I’ll take a look. It’s interesting that taxol came from the yew tree because one of the things mom takes is yew drops (a tincture)from the yew tree. It has terrific anti-cancer properties. I don’t understand if they’re discovering these drugs from natural substances why they have to make the drugs so toxic. If I had to choose between a chemical that was toxic to my body or the natural – I think I’d still take the natural. Nonetheless, it’s still nice to see they’re looking at naturally occurring healing agents.


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