MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
MDS is a blood cancer
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    Doug Peters

    Hello all.

    I live a 1,200 miles from my mother. She Got MDS 6 years ago. I am sitting here with her now as she dies in her home with my loving wife being phenomenal care giver. My wife and my mother only met maybe 8 times over 20 years when we would take vacation together. And she has stepped up big time. We were completely blindsided by this. As we live so far away and my mother is probably the strongest Woman I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a woman go through so much but yet be so strong she has never asked for help from anyone for anything. Then she was hit with this and still has never asked the Dr or anyone for anything. I found out about my mom condition last week when my sister call me and said something is wrong with mom she is in the hospital and don’t look good. I drove to see her and she was not good. I had to make the Dr tell me what was going on and that is where I learned what was going on. I had to be the one to then tell the family. 😢.

    My Question is what and how is MDS going to take my Mothers life? Today she has blood coming out of her mouth and nose. I have no idea what to expect.

    Sorry for the story I’m just lost.

    Doug Peters

    My Mother has passed away at 66 years old after her battle with MDS.


    Wow. Not what I wish to look forward to.

    Allan Romriell

    So sorry for your loss Doug, your mother was only a year older than me… may you eventually find some comfort and peace……

    Marguerite Lockwood

    So sorry for your loss…

    Amy Clark

    I am so sorry that your mother passed away so soon after you found out what was going on with her. However, it sounds like being near to her in her final days was a comforting for all of you. I am glad you were able to be there for her during that time, but sorry that it was so unexpected. I will pray for peace for you and your family. I will also pray for your mom.

    Justin Marshall

    I’m so sorry for your loss. My grandfather passed away from MDS, his heart and kidneys simply failed.

    I’m really sorry for your loss.

    Doug Peters

    Thanks y’all for the kind words. To day we lay her to rest. I am still lost as to what this disease can be fought with or how some people can get a bone marrow transplant and be fine and other people can’t. My mother was offered one but she was offered to get a bone marrow transplant much too late and she was not strong enough at the time to receive one I’m not quite sure why they waited so long.

    Justin Marshall

    When my grandpa was first diagnosed, my initial reaction was “seriously nobody caught this earlier?”. He went to the doctor routinely for various other health issues, and I was really annoyed that nobody caught his MDS before it was too late.

    I’m not doctor and I can’t explain the specifics, but your not alone. Someone needs to develop more advanced screenings for MDS, so it can be caught and treated earlier.

    Danielle Torcini

    I’m sorry for your loss Doug. We lost my father to MDS on 9/8/18 after being diagnosed with RAEB-2 in January. He did great with his Vidaza treatments until the beginning of August, something wasn’t quite right. He was more tired. He was short of breath. It took them a week to figure out that he had AML in his liver (not seen in the blood or bone marrow). Within a week he was dead. It was the most aggressive thing I have ever seen.

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