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Noni information

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    I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get this information out to those of you who asked. My MIL’s naturapath took her off of the Noni capsules she was taking for platelets a little over a month ago because of some research she had done. It’s taken me awhile to get it from the doctor but here’s the research:

    Both sets of research are from universities in Austria. Mainly because foreign countries tend to study natural treatments a lot more than the US does. At issue with the Noni juice (or capsules) is liver toxicity. In two cases, people with completely healthy bodies that were taking the Noni for “prophylactic” (to prevent) reasons presented with liver toxicity. Once case of a 29yr old male required immediate liver transplant. Two other cases the liver toxicity resolved after stopping the Noni. It is believed that the component of Noni that creates issue is “anthraquinones.” In additional cases, someone took a regular dose of tylenol (not overdose) and Noni and the combination created a toxic situation to the liver. Small amounts of alcohol and mixing Noni also appeared to cause liver toxicity. With the exception of the one liver transplant, the other issues resolved once the Noni was stopped.

    Although there were only a few cases she could find of studies of Noni, all of them were negative and involved liver toxicity. Mom’s naturapath felt like mom’s health was so fragile that the risk vs. possible benefit of increased platelets was not worth it. So, mom is now just doing the pineapple juice and black sesame seeds for her platelets.

    Don’t know if this will help anyone that’s taking Noni but at least it’s one practioner’s thought on it.

    As a side note, mom had her first acupuncture treatment today for trying to get the bone marrow and spleen to start producing more blood. It’ll be interesting to see if it works.



    Thanks Patti,
    I will have to think on this one a while, noni works out well for me because of my constant traveling, kind of hard to run a juicer in a motel room.
    Thanks again,



    I have been considering buying Noni for Dad. Maybe I’ll leave it alone for now. Thank you for the information.

    Let us know if the acupuncture works on your MIL. If it works, we will definitely explore that avenue.

    Wish your MIL good luck and best wishes.




    I think one has to take the studies like everything we else we read. You just have to mull it over and decide the risk vs. benefit as an individual. Current health factors, age, etc. would all play a part. When I look at our situation we had to take into account mom’s age (almost 76), organs that are already struggling, weight loss, etc. etc. So for mom, it just didn’t seem wise. But I think if it’s working for a person and they are generally healthy then the risk vs. benefit would be different for them.

    Best wishes,



    Acupuncture was an important part of my effort to regain control of my health after I was diagnosed with CMML, along with detoxing, diet restrictions and various supplements. My doctor used CBC reports to monitor the effectiveness of the acupuncture. I was able to bring all of the counts back into the normal ranges and we were then going to work on the specific CMML problem. Unfortunately, I got too cocky and overdid things to allow the problem to suddenly explode. Previous high WBC of about 20, was brought down to about 14 then shot up to 385. Wtihout all of the other natural things that we had done, I sure I would have been done and a SCT would not be able to revive a dead body. I truly believe that a knowledgeable nutritionist, naturpathic, acupunturist and other alternative care providers need to be consider as part of the care team.
    In the Portland, Oregon area we are lucky to have such practioners and some docotrs that will work with them.


    I agree with you. I’m 62, in decent shape, no organs affected as yet. My WBC is 45.8 and platelets are fairly stable, but low, so I’ll stay with the Noni capsules for now. I’ve taken them for a year now.



    I’m glad to hear the acupuncture was a help to you. Mom is really hoping it will get her bone marrow moving to actually start producing some good blood. I’ll let you know how it goes. I love our integrative medicine doc. She is working really well with mom’s NP and together they are in agreement with what we’re doing. It sure makes thing go smoother.


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